Bathroom & Shower

Each wing has a shower room and a bathroom. Youth are allowed 5 minutes per shower. Shirts must be tucked in (except while in the courtyard), shirt sleeves cannot be rolled up, and pant legs must be cuffed. Sagging or rolling of pant legs is not permitted.


One wing at a time is allowed in the cafeteria to get their food tray. The facility follows the juvenile menu guideline according to the National School Lunch Program. Youth eat in the dayrooms at their tables. Youth are provided 3 meals and 2 snacks a day. Youth may purchase food items in the commissary with their points earned. Youth are not allowed to interact with other youth while waiting in line or with youth at other tables in their day room.


Students have school year-round from 7:30 am to 3:00 pm. The facility utilizes the Acellus Self-Paced Accredited Online Curricula for grade level. AIMS testing is conducted and reported to parents. AZCIS is also offered as an online career planning program. Students are expected to follow conduct rules with respect to teachers and staff. Classroom conversations between youth are allowed on school related material only. For safety, youth must ask for permission before moving around the classroom or for bathroom breaks.

GED Tree

General Education (GED) classes are offered. Students who graduate receive a cap and gown picture and commemorative celebration conducted on site.

Holding Cell

The intake center includes a holding cell that is not often used, but available if necessary. The holding cell is only used if the youth is a safety risk to the staff and others.