

The youth’s personal items are inventoried and kept in a locker or appropriate storage.

Youth are provided one each of the following: t-shirt, sweatshirt in winter, underwear (sports bra for females), pants or shorts (depending on weather), socks, sandals, and outside shoes. A level system is utilized for maintaining positive behavior. Youth begin their stay with the light blue shirt at Level 0 and can progress through level 4. Each level gains additional phone calls, free time, and extra showers on top of their daily allowance. The level system functions through awarding points.

Youth begin each day with 5 points that can be used in the commissary. Points can be saved to purchase better items or given back to staff for noncompliance with rules. Level 4 youth are provided pizza as a reward once a month and may receive a blanket and pillow from home. They can purchase special items such as a real pillow, photos, deck of cards, and squish balls from the commissary.