Attorney coaches aid student participants of the Mock Trial and Mock Mediation tournaments as they take case materials including pleadings, legal instructions, affidavits, and evidence to prepare for a simulated jury trial or mediation.
Attorney coaches work in conjunction with teacher coaches and other volunteers to help students understand and argue the law applicable to the competition case, prepare effective opening statements, craft and conduct direct and cross examinations, plan and adapt for closing arguments, and understand the use and application of the rules of evidence in all aspects of trial or mediation.
The time commitment for attorney coaches can be flexible ranging from regular attendance at team practices to occasional participation as a guest judge for practice trials and mediations.
Whatever the level of participation, attorney coaches play a critical role in providing the student participants with a realistic look in the judicial system and trial/mediation processes.
Volunteer Need: Attorney coaches for Mock Trial and Mock Mediation
Location: Schools all over Arizona
What does volunteering as an attorney coach for Arizona Mock Mediation or Mock Trial competitions entail?
After registering to become a Mock Trial or Mock Mediation attorney coach, the Arizona Bar Foundation will work to match you with a school seeking an attorney coach.
Learn more about Mock Mediation here:
Learn more about Mock Trial here:
If you are not available to serve as a volunteer, but would like to make a contribution to the program, please click here to donate online or send a check made out to the Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education to be used to help further the Mock Trial and Mock Mediation programs.
(Please send ATTN: Lara Slifko, 4201 N. 24th Street, Suite 210, Phoenix, AZ 85016)
Mock Trial Attorney Coach

Attorney coaches aid student participants of the Mock Trial as they take case materials including pleadings, legal instructions, affidavits, and evidence to prepare for a simulated jury trial.
Attorney coaches work in conjunction with teacher coaches and other volunteers to help students understand and argue the law applicable to the competition case, prepare effective opening statements, craft and conduct direct and cross examinations, plan and adapt for closing arguments, and understand the use and application of the rules of evidence in all aspects of trial.