When You Turn 18 Intro Card

According to Arizona law, an adult is a person 18 or older (A.R.S. §1-215 (3)). Certain rights and responsibilities may apply before your 18th birthday if a court has found you to be emancipated (A.R.S. §12-2454).

There are many new rights and responsibilities that come with being an adult and as an adult you are held accountable for your own actions. It is important to know the laws governing your rights and responsibilities. This guide and its accompanying website LawForKids.org aims to give you a basic understanding of some important Arizona laws that may impact you When You Turn 18.  

Keep in mind, this guide should not be construed as legal advice nor does it cover each and every legal issue that you may face. For additional legal information, please visit AzLawHelp.org.

El siguiente folleto también está disponible en español. Si desea solicitar una copia por favor contacte con nosotros al https://www.azbf.org/get-involved/publications.




Arizona Legal Services

Arizona County Courts


Laws may have changed since the last time this article was updated.  The current and most up-to-date laws can be accessed here.