

Q: Does my employer have to give me a written contract?

A: Most employers do not provide written contracts. As an employee, review the employee handbook for expectations, reasons for disciplinary actions or termination, time off and sick day procedures, and the complaint process. If you have a written contract, review it before signing.


Q: Does my employer have to give me a reason why I was fired?

A: An employer can fire you for any reason but an unlawful one. Look at A.R.S. §23-1501 to find other state laws that protect employees. For example, members of the Arms Forces are protected if for absences for military duty in A.R.S. §26-168; employees are protected when voting or serving on a jury in A.R.S. §16-1012 and A.R.S. §21-236; and employees are protected from unlawful discrimination and retaliation based on race, national origin, sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity), pregnancy, disability, religion, and age through the Arizona Civil Rights Act and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. There are other federal and state law protections too. Government agencies like the Department of Labor, the EEOC, and the Arizona Attorney General’s Office, investigate employee complaints. 


Q: What can I do if someone discriminated against me at work? 

A: You can call the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or the Arizona Attorney General’s Office right away. Both agencies also have online forms that you can use to start a complaint process.


Q: Does my employer have to give me a warning before firing me?

A: Arizona law does not require an employer to provide a warning before firing someone, but you may want to review your employee handbook or policy manual. Sometimes employers will skip warnings and go straight to termination.


Q: Is my employer required to give me paid sick time?

A: Yes. An employer must give you one hour of paid sick time for every 30 hours worked. The maximum sick time is based on the number of employees: up to 24 hours per year for fewer than 15 employees, and up to 40 hours per year for 15 or more employees (A.R.S. §23-372). Employers can offer more time but are not required by law to do so.


Q: What if my employer failed to pay me?

A: If you have a contract, look at that contract. Whether you have a contract or not, reach out to a government agency like the Arizona or federal Department of Labor and the Arizona Attorney General’s Office consumer and civil rights sections. If the wages relate to an unemployment claim, contact the Department of Economic Security.


Q: What is workers’ compensation?

A: Workers’ compensation is insurance your employer pays to provide compensation and medical insurance to you in case of an injury on the job. If you are hurt on the job, make sure to tell your employer right away. The Industrial Commission of Arizona has information and resources to get you the help you need if you are hurt at work: https://www.azica.gov.


Laws may have changed since the last time this article was updated.  The current and most up-to-date laws can be accessed here.