CSI Arizona State Competition Judge 2025

Competition Overview

The prior qualification scenario requires teams of 6 students to produce a report documenting how the evidence from a mock crime scene was processed, preserved, analyzed, and interpreted. The top 5 teams in each division, middle and high school, are invited to compete in the CSI Arizona State Competition held at ASU West Campus.

We are seeking in-person judges to judge the CSI Arizona State Competition! 

Morning Judges: check in at 6:45 a.m. followed by orientation and breakfast

Afternoon Judges: check in at 10:45 a.m. followed by orientation and lunch

All Day Judges: check in at 6:45 a.m. and judging will be completed at 3:30 p.m.

During the State Competition, each team will be presented with a simulated crime scene and will be evaluated in the following 5 areas:

  • Crime scene processing & documentation
  • Collection, preservation, & processing of physical evidence
  • Physical evidence examination & interpretation
  • Interviewing
  • Final presentation of hypothesis

Volunteering at this event involves the following:

  • Attending a judge orientation where you confer with your judging panel (breakfast included)
  • 5 rounds of judging
  • Lunch and attendance at the awards ceremony (optional)

Required CSI Arizona State Competition Judge qualifications:

  • Officers with crime scene experience
  • OR Professionals with forensic science experience

To view the Foundation's volunteer overview, please click here!

If you are not available to serve as a judge, but would like to make a contribution to the program, please click here to donate online or send a check to:

Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education Arizona Bar Foundation ATTN: CSI Program 4201 N. 24th Street, Suite 210 Phoenix, AZ 85016

Event Information

Event Date 05/02/2025 6:45 am
Event End Date 05/02/2025 3:30 pm
Cut Off Date 04/23/2025
Capacity 45
Available Place 22
Location ASU West Valley Campus