2025 Project Citizen State Showcase Judge

Showcase Overview

The State Project Citizen showcase is held each year, in which teams present their portfolios and oral presentations on a problem in their community and their action plan for solving it before community members on judging panels. The top 10 winning teams of each regional showcase, the teams with the most convincing presentations, are invited to compete in the State Showcase held in Phoenix. The portfolio winner of the State Showcase is eligible to send their portfolio to the National Showcase held in July. Recognized as one of the top programs in the country, Arizona's portfolios showcased at the National showcase have won Superior awards consistently over the past 20 years.   

The students will present their project before a panel of judges. Their presentations will include 4 minutes of prepared speech and 6 minutes of follow-up questions. Judges can use their own questions or they can use questions provided by the Foundation. There are two rounds and each round lasts about an hour. Volunteering at this event includes the following:

  • Attending a judge orientation where you confer with your judging panel (breakfast included)
  • 2 rounds of judging
  • Lunch and attendance at the awards ceremony (optional)

The Project Citizen showcases are available to all Arizona middle and high school classrooms.

Please complete your registration no later than April 18, 2025.

If you are not available to serve as a judge, but would like to make a contribution to the program, please click here to donate online or send a check to:

Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education
ATTN: Project Citizen Program
4201 N. 24th Street, Suite 210
Phoenix, AZ 85016

Event Information

Event Date 05/15/2025 8:30 am
Event End Date 05/15/2025 1:30 am
Cut Off Date 05/01/2025
Location Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College

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