Hazing in High School

Hazing, a ritual that colleges have attempted to extinguish for years, has found its way into the high school system. This week Hamilton High School, a school located in Chandler, Arizona, is at the forefront of the conversation. Six football players were arrested, five of which are teenagers, for crimes that started with hazing but lead to charges that also include sexual assault and kidnapping. Hazing originated as a right of passage to "teach newcomers respect for [group] policies, rules and leaders" but has been known to turn from mildly degrading to dangerous and even deadly. The first recorded death from hazing happened at Cornell University in 1873 and by 1912 death by hazing had become a common headline in newspapers. Since that time school administrators and legislatures have attempted to end hazing through hazing prevention laws like A.R.S. § 15-2301. Learn more about hazing in the school offenses section of this site.