
Driverless Driving

If you're 16 right now, you may already have your driver license; but chances are the generation after you may never need one. In the past, learning the laws in the drivers manual and getting your driver license was an important step that was craved by teenagers for the freedom and autonomy driving provided. It allowed you to get from point A to point B without having to rely on someone else; hop in the car, turn the key (another thing that has gone by the wayside) and off you went. However, technology, has changed that by providing us apps like Uber and Lyft that allow you the ability to summon a driver on a whim and now it has gone another step further with Waymo and Tesla leading the way in automated self driving technology. Waymo announced in an email to its Phoenix Metro users that they soon, "may experience one of it's driverless rides!" Tesla also recently launched its "Smart Summon" technology which allows the vehicle to drive without a driver up to 200 feet on private property. Thanks to Executive Order 2018-04, Arizona is allowed to have driverless vehicles as long as they are in, "full compliance with all the applicable traffic and motor vehicle safety...laws and regulations of both the Federal Government and the State of Arizona". It is estimated that by 2021 this type of artificial intelligence (AI) will make driving yourself a thing of the past. Find out more about AI and its possibilities in Artificial Intelligence: Will it be a Boon for Mankind or a Disaster?