Youth Rights & Responsibilities

This category encompasses articles regarding the important rights of youth in Arizona. Articles may discuss topics regarding school rules (for example, dress code), laws that pertain to youth (for example, truancy laws, emancipation, curfew laws), and responsibilities of youth (for example, jury duty, registering to vote, signing up for the draft at 18, etc). Write an article regarding your thoughts on youth rights and responsibilities!

Alcohol and Work

It's a well-known fact that you cannot drink until you are 21. This law is in place to prevent the harm alcohol can cause, from bad health to intoxication to the deadly effects of drunk driving. Arizona state law mentions that you can lose your driving privileges from simply buying alcohol, even if you weren't driving drunk. And, if you were driving drunk, jail time is possible, alongside a fine and an extended period of no driving. Not to mention the risk to yourself and others! 

What is Curfew?

A curfew prohibits anyone under the age of 18 from being outside or in a public area without adult supervision. A county, city, or town ordinance determines curfew times and disciplinary action can be taken if found in violation. One of the stiffer punishments for remaining out past curfew can include being charged with a criminal misdemeanor—breaking curfew is a serious matter. 

Minors & Guns

Laws are put into place to ensure safety for the overall population as well as guarantee rights for individuals. The “right of the people to keep and bear Arms…” is detailed in the 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution and is a constant topic of discussion all over the media today. The Federal and State governments have the power to enforce rules and regulations pertaining to firearms and who is able to legally own one. 


My mom and dad are so mean, they won’t let me stay out on a school night past 10pm.  Why is that?  I have to be in by midnight on Friday and Saturday nights.  How come I can’t stay out as late as I want?  Need the answers to these questions?  

Drinking and Driving

You know what kills more teens every year than anything else? Car crashes. And almost 1/4 of all car crashes involve an underage driver who’s been drinking. As everyone knows, when you drive a car you need to be able to make quick decisions – so even after one or two drinks your slowed-down reaction time seriously raises your likelihood of being in an accident.