WTP Curriculum Research

Evidence from a recent study (2015-2018) has proven the We the People program to be highly effective among middle and high school students. Dr. Diane Owen from Georgetown University conducted a 3 year evaluation of high needs students across the county, including Title I schools.  Over 2,000 teachers and 80,000 students participated in the evaluation, included schools from Arizona led by Foundation staff member, Jennifer Castro.  The evidence showed the student’s knowledge increased significantly following implementation of the We the People program including the Simulated Congressional Hearing (performance-based assessment).  Below are statistics cited from the 2015-2018 study.

Knowledge Gain

"To assess gains in student knowledge, researchers at Georgetown University tested students’ civic knowledge at the start if the We the People class and after its completion. The scores of JMLP middle and high school students nationally improved significantly.


Student Civics Disposition

"The study examined the extent to which students acquired civic dispositions—the commitment to democratic ideals, the development of a sense of public duty, and an inclination to participate in civic life. Students reported that their sense of civic responsibility increased as a result of taking a We the People class.


As evidenced by the study conducted by Georgetown’s professor, Dr. Diane Owen, funded by the U.S. Department of Education, We the People as a performance-based project has successfully (for the past 25+ years) increased student knowledge as it relates to civics.

Citation: Dr. Diana Owen, Georgetown University,This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., James Madison Legacy Project, Center for Civic Education, Funded by the U.S. Department of Education.