Promoting Respectful and Responsible Behavior in Schools

Promoting Respectful and Responsible Behavior in Schools


Refusal to follow directions is a form of defiance. Arizona law 15-841 states that students may be expelled for continued defiance in the form of disruptive or disorderly behaviors that interfere with the educational environment. Schools have policies in place for how they will deal with repeated offenders. This academy will provide participants with lessons that will help students understand their role in creating a peaceful environment. Lessons will cover safe and correct actions towards teachers, and support staff such as cafeteria workers, bus drivers, crossing guards, and teacher assistants, as well as the importance of following directions during safety drills. Students will learn strategies to address conflicts and regulate their frustrations.  

Academy Objectives:

  • Understand the legal consequences of disruptive or disorderly behaviors that interfere with the educational environment
  • Identify the reasons for school rules and laws
  • Brainstorm alternatives to aggressive behavior

Campus Issues Addressed:

  • Disrespect for authority
  • Safety concerns due to the lack of following rules and procedures
  • Classroom disruptions


Ashley Cagnetta

  • To view Ashley's professional profile, click here!

Valerie Rhodes

  • To view Valerie's professional profile, click here!

Diana Strouth

To view downloadable LRE lessons, Click Here!


Event Information

Event Date 11/19/2024 9:00 am
Event End Date 11/19/2024 5:00 pm
Cut Off Date 11/08/2024 12:00 pm
Capacity 20
Available Place 1
Individual Price $243.00
Location Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education

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