Kids Voting Az Leadership Council

The Kids Voting Arizona Leadership Council (KVLC) is comprised of bright-minded middle and high school students to ensure young voices are heard through educational election experiences. The KVLC is administered and overseen by the Arizona Bar Foundation (Foundation) as part of its Kids Voting Arizona Program. Each youth council member requires an educational mentor (school teacher or administrator) to support them as they participate on the council and are required to participate in all facets of the council. The Foundation staff and Educational mentors’ joint purpose is to guide the youth members during meetings, while allowing for the decision making to come directly from the youth members. The Foundation and Educational mentors shall not have a vote when motions are made, but may provide guidance during open discussion. The council members, educational mentors and Foundation staff meet regularly to brainstorm strategies and to encourage youth to be informed civic participants. They develop new ideas on increasing voting in their community and engaging the next generation of citizen leaders. The council is governed by the following youth officers:

The Chairperson: Develops the meeting agenda, leads the meetings and is the facilitator during the discussions assuring all relevant matters are discussed and that effective decisions are made. The Chairperson also gives assistance, guidance, and praise to all participants.

The Vice Chair: Works closely with the Chair and co-develops the agenda for the meetings. The Vice Chair must be ready to assume the Chair’s duties when needed.

The Recording Secretary: Is in charge of the organization of the council and keeps record of the meetings including any necessary paperwork.

Each council member, including the officers, has voting powers during all motions.

Meeting Dates
Meeting Dates

Get more information on the KVLC meeting dates.


Meet the members of the current leadership council.


Nominate middle and high school students to join the council and lead their peers in civic engagement.