We The People
The primary goal of We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution is to promote civic competence and responsibility among the nation's elementary and secondary students. What makes the program so successful is the design of its instructional program, including its innovative culminating activity.
The instructional program enhances students understanding of the institutions of American constitutional democracy. At the same time, students discover the contemporary relevance of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Participants hold a simulated congressional hearing as the culminating activity for the We the People program. The entire class, working in cooperative teams, prepares and presents statements before a panel of community representatives who act as congressional committee members. Students then answer questions posed by the committee members. The format provides students an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of constitutional principles while providing teachers with an excellent means of assessing performance.

Ask John Project
This project teaches about the US Constitution with Professor John Kaminski

AZ Competition Registration
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AZ Showcase Registration
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AZ WTP Alumni
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Civics Contests
Youth can demonstrate their civics knowledge and win a prize!

See answers to commonly asked questions.

Grant Opportunities
Small grants available to assist law related educational programs.

View previous winners of the state tournament.

Important Dates
Stay ahead of the fame! Don't miss out on important program deadlines and key dates.

Law Docs
Browse some of the foundational documents of American Democracy.

Registration History
Review and make changes to team details.

Teacher Assistance
Regional coordinators are available to assist educators to implement the We the People program.

WTP offers video resources that aim to teach or explain a subject in an informative way.

Volunteer Signup
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WTP Curriculum
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WTP Summer Institute
Discover how WTP helps students understand the history of our government.

WTP Teacher Resources
Check out our digital resources which you can download and use for your classroom.

WTP Teacher Training
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