The parents of a member of the "Gilbert Goons" gang, who was involved in orchestrating an assault, have denied responsibility for their child's actions. They argued in court that they should not be held liable for their son's violent behavior. The case has sparked debate about parental responsibility, especially in relation to gang violence. Read more here.
Under Arizona law A.R.S 4-101 the legal drinking age is 21 years old. Individuals become adults and can join the military at the age of 18 but brain development isn’t complete until a person is in their mid-twenties. Read more
Trial by jury is a vital part of democracy and is secured by both the United States and Arizona Constitutions. In January 2022, the Arizona Supreme Court eliminated peremptory challenges. Peremptory challenges allow lawyers to dismiss jurors without stating the cause for dismissal. Read more here!
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After a near 30-year drought, Arizona is facing issues with its long-term water supply. One proposal from the Arizona Department of Water Resources would be to require reductions in the amount of water that golf courses can use. Read more here!
In March 2022 a law was passed that states cities may prohibit the use of legal fireworks from 11 pm to 8 am. during allowed seasons (New Years, Cinco de Mayo, and Independence Day). However, on New Year’s Eve and Independence Day the time restriction was extended to 1am. Consumer fireworks are not permitted on other days of the year. Read more here!
On January 1, 2024, Arizona’s minimum wage increased from $13.85 to $14.35 an hour. Flagstaff’s minimum wage increased to $17.40 an hour. Read more about Flagstaff’s minimum wage here. Those who support the increase say that it is essential for workers to make a living wage. Those who oppose the increase argue that some small business owners cannot afford to pay workers more. Read more about the minimum wage here!
There is a resolution in the Arizona House of Representatives to proclaim April 5, “Golden Rule Day” starting in 2022. The proclamation encourages Arizonans to treat others the way they would like to be treated. Currently there are 8 Golden Rule Cities in Arizona that celebrate April 5. Read more here!