A bill has been introduced that would fine drivers $500 if they violate Arizona's driving on the right side of the roadway law (A.R.S. 28-721). This law requires drivers to stay on the right side of the roadway, except when passing, when the right side is closed for construction, on three-lane roads, or on one-way streets. Read more here.
Limos are hired during prom season to transport couples to the celebration. New York’s governor signed new bills into law regulating limousine safety features, such as seatbelts, due to a fatal limousine crash involving 20 people. Arizona passengers are not required to wear seat belts in the backseat of any vehicle, if over 16. Read more here!
An amendment to the Arizona Revised Statute on reckless driving was introduced in the House in 2019. The added words will include anyone who participates in distracting the safe operation of the vehicle. Read about HB 2165.
Some cities in Arizona allow companies to rent bikes and motorized scooters for people to use as they move about the city. Patrons can rent the item through an app and then leave it in any legal parking area when finished. Supporters enjoy the ease of renting environmentally friendly transportation to get to their destination but opponents claim that riders are not complying with city ordinances and creating a hazard.
Senate Bill 1080 states that teenage drivers cannot utilize their cell phone while driving within the first 6 months of getting their driver's license. The bill does allow the use of audible GPS however, the GPS destination cannot be entered or adjusted while the vehicle is in motion. Read more here! Also read SB1080.
In November 2016, five students in Tennessee were fatally injured when their school bus was involved in an accident. Currently, Arizona laws do not require school buses to use seat belts.