Maricopa County

Phoenix (including the Ahwatukee area)


Fireworks cannot be set off except between June 24 through July 6 and December 24 through December 26. 

Even during those times, there are restriction about setting off fireworks.  Individuals cannot set off fireworks on any public property. 

Fireworks that can be used within the restrictions are:

  • Ground and handheld sparkling devices
  • Cylindrical fountains
  • Cone fountains
  • Illuminating torches
  • Wheels
  • Ground spinners
  • Flitter sparklers
  • Toy smoke devices
  • Wire sparklers or dipped sticks
  • Multiple tube ground and handheld sparkling devices, cylindrical fountains, cone fountains and illuminating torches

These types of fireworks can never be used: Any firework intended to rise into the air and explode or to detonate in the air or to fly above the ground, including firecrackers, bottle rockets, sky rockets, missile-type rockets, helicopters, aerial spinners, torpedoes, roman candles, mine devices, shell devices and aerial shell kits or reloadable tubes.

Sale of fireworks – Fireworks cannot be sold to a person under 16 years old.

 23-44.1 Definitions. 

A. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this division, have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: 

  1. Consumer firework means those fireworks defined by Arizona Revised Statutes § 36-1601. 
  2. Display firework means those fireworks defined by Arizona Revised Statutes § 36-1601. 
  3. Fireworks means any combustible or explosive composition, substance or combination of substances, or any article prepared for the purpose of producing a visible or audible effect by combustion, explosion deflagration or detonation, that is a consumer firework, display firework or permissible consumer firework as defined by Arizona Revised Statutes § 36-1601. 
  4. Novelty items means federally deregulated novelty items that are known as snappers, snap caps, party poppers, glow worms, snakes, toy smoke devices, sparklers, and certain toys as defined in Arizona Revised Statutes § 36-1601. 
  5. Permissible consumer fireworks means those fireworks as defined by Arizona Revised Statutes § 36-1601 that may be sold within the City even where the use of those items has been prohibited. 
  6. Supervised public display means a monitored performance of display fireworks open to the public and authorized by permit by the Fire Marshal or designee. 

(Ord. No. G-5568, § 1, adopted 11-17-2010, eff. 11-17-2010)

23-44.2 Fireworks prohibited; exceptions; penalty. 

A. The use, discharge or ignition of consumer and permissible consumer fireworks within the City is prohibited. 

B. Nothing in this division shall be construed to prohibit the use, discharge or ignition of novelty items or the occurrence, with a permit, of a supervised public display of fireworks. 

C. Permits may be granted by the Fire Marshal or designee for conducting a properly supervised public display of fireworks. Every such public display of fireworks shall be of such character and so located, discharged or fired, only after proper inspection and in a manner that does not endanger persons, animals, or property. A permit shall not be issued, and may be revoked, during time periods of High Fire Danger warnings. The Fire Marshal has authority to impose conditions on any permits granted. 

D. Failure to comply with any permit requirements issued by the Fire Marshal is a class 1 misdemeanor. 

(Ord. No. G-5568, § 1, adopted 11-17-2010, eff. 11-17-2010) 

23-44.3 Sale of fireworks. 

A. No person shall sell or permit or authorize the sale of permissible consumer fireworks to a person who is under sixteen years of age 

B. No person shall sell or permit or authorize the sale of permissible consumer fireworks in conflict with the State law. 

(Ord. No. G-5568, § 1, adopted 11-17-2010, eff. 11-17-2010) 


Under age 15: 10 P.M. to 5:00 AM everyday, including weekends; Age 16-17: Midnight to 5:00 A.M. everyday, including weekends.

22-1 Curfew—Juveniles under sixteen years; exceptions. 
It shall be unlawful for any juvenile under the age of sixteen years to be, remain or loiter in, about or upon any place in the City away from the dwelling house or usual place of abode of said juvenile, between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. of the following day; provided, however, that the provisions of this section do not apply to said juvenile when accompanied by his parent, guardian or other adult person having the care, custody or supervision of said juvenile, or where said juvenile is on an emergency errand, or where said juvenile is on reasonable, legitimate and specific business or activity directed or permitted by his parent, guardian or other adult person having the care, custody or supervision of said juvenile.

22-2 Curfew—Juveniles sixteen years of age or older; exceptions. 
It shall be unlawful for any juvenile sixteen years of age or older and under the age of eighteen years to be, remain or loiter in, about or upon any place in the City away from the dwelling house or usual place of abode of said juvenile, between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 5:00 a.m.; provided, however, that the provisions of this section do not apply to any emancipated minor or to a juvenile accompanied by his parent, guardian or other adult person having the care, custody or supervision of said juvenile; or where said juvenile is on an emergency errand, or where said juvenile is on reasonable, legitimate and specific business or activity directed or permitted by his parent, guardian or other adult person having the care, custody or supervision of said juvenile.

Cell Phones and Driving

A person must not text while driving.

36-76.01 Use of personal digital assistants while driving; prohibited; exceptions. 
A. A person shall not operate a motor vehicle on a street while using a personal digital assistant to send or receive a written message while the motor vehicle is in motion.
B. This section does not apply to any of the following:
1. Law enforcement and safety personnel.
2. Drivers of authorized emergency vehicles.
3. Holders of commercial driver licenses while driving within the scope of their employment.
4. Public transit personnel.
5. A person who is reporting reckless or negligent behavior.
6. The use of a personal digital assistant for the sole purpose of communicating with any of the following regarding an emergency situation:

(a) An emergency response operator.
(b) A hospital, physician’s office or health clinic.
(c) A provider of ambulance services.
(d) A provider of fire fighting services.
(e) A law enforcement agency.

7. A person who believes the person is in physical danger if the person is the only adult in the motor vehicle.
C. For purposes of this section, "personal digital assistant" means a wireless electronic communication device that provides for data communication other than by voice.
D. A violation of this section is a nonmoving civil traffic violation.
E. If a person violates this section and the person is not involved in a motor vehicle accident, the person is subject to a civil penalty of not less than one hundred dollars plus any other penalty assessments authorized by law.
F. If a person violates this section and the person is involved in a motor vehicle accident, the person is subject to a civil penalty of not less than two hundred fifty dollars plus any other penalty assessments authorized by law.
G. If a person is cited for violating this section, the person is involved in a motor vehicle accident and a written accident report is required by law, the law enforcement officer investigating the accident shall indicate on the written accident form the use of a personal digital assistant to send or receive a written message at the time of the accident.
(Ord. No. G-4985, § 1, adopted 9-19-2007, eff. 9-19-2007; Ord. No. G-5034, § 1, adopted 12-5-2007, eff. 1-4-2008)

Laws may have changed since the last time this article was updated.  The current and most up-to-date laws can be accessed here.



Fireworks cannot be set off except between June 24 through July 6 and December 24 through January 3. 

Even during those times, there are restriction about setting off fireworks.  Individuals cannot set off fireworks on any public property. 

Fireworks that can be used within the restrictions are:

  • Ground and handheld sparkling devices
  • Cylindrical fountains
  • Cone fountains
  • Illuminating torches
  • Wheels
  • Ground spinners
  • Flitter sparklers
  • Toy smoke devices
  • Wire sparklers or dipped sticks
  • Multiple tube ground and handheld sparkling devices, cylindrical fountains, cone fountains and illuminating torches

These types of fireworks can never be used: Any firework intended to rise into the air and explode or to detonate in the air or to fly above the ground, including firecrackers, bottle rockets, sky rockets, missile-type rockets, helicopters, aerial spinners, torpedoes, roman candles, mine devices, shell devices and aerial shell kits or reloadable tubes.

Sale of fireworks – Fireworks cannot be sold to a person under 18 years old.

Sec. 14-51. - Fireworks prohibited; exceptions.
(a) The use, discharge or ignition of fireworks within the City is prohibited except for permissible consumer fireworks which shall be allowed June 24 through July 6 and December 24 through January 3 each year. At no time shall the use of consumer fireworks be authorized on city property, including parks, preserves, buildings and facilities, except as authorized under subsection (b) herein. (b) Nothing in this section or article shall be construed to prohibit the use of novelty items or the occurrence of a supervised public display of fireworks authorized by City permit.
(Ord. No. 2010.38, 10-21-10; Ord. No. O2014.53, 10-2-14)

Sec. 14-52. - Sale of fireworks.
(a) No person shall sell or permit or authorize the sale of permissible consumer fireworks to a person who is under sixteen (16) years of age. (b) No person shall sell or permit or authorize the sale of permissible consumer fireworks in conflict with state law or this Code. (c) No person shall sell or authorize the sale of permissible consumer fireworks, except from May 20 through July 6 and from December 10 through January 3 of each year.
(Ord. No. 2010.38, 10-21-10; Ord. No. O2014.53, 10-2-14)

Sec. 14-55. - Penalty.
A person violating any prohibition or requirement imposed by this article is subject to a civil penalty of one-thousand dollars ($1,000.00), unless another penalty is specifically provided for.

(Ord. No. 2010.38, 10-21-10; Ord. No. O2014.53, 10-2-14)

Sec. 14-56. - Liability for emergency responses related to use of fireworks.
(a) A person who uses, discharges or ignites permissible consumer fireworks on any days other than from June 24 through July 6 and from December 24 through January 3, other fireworks or anything that is designed or intended to rise into the air and explode or to detonate in the air or to fly above the ground, is liable for the expenses of any emergency response that is required by such use, discharge or ignition. The fact that a person is convicted or found responsible for a violation of this article is prima facie evidence of liability under this section. (b) The expenses of an emergency response are a charge against the person liable for those expenses pursuant to subsection (a) of this section. The charge constitutes a debt of that person and may be collected proportionately by the public agencies, or other first responders that incurred the expenses. The liability imposed under this section is in addition to and not in limitation of any other liability that may be imposed.
(Ord. No. 2010.38, 10-21-10; Ord. No. O2014.53, 10-2-14)


Age 15 or younger: 10 P.M. to 5:00 A.M. everyday, including weekends; Age 16-17: Midnight to 5:00 A.M. everyday, including weekends; Violating this law is a misdemeanor, and the penalties include a maximum fine of $2,500.00 or imprisonment for up to six (6) months, or both.

Sec. 22-8. - Curfew for juveniles; responsibility of parents or guardians.

(b) Offenses.

(1) It is unlawful for any minor under the age of sixteen (16) years to be in, about, or upon any place in the City away from the property where the youth resides between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. of the following day.

(2) It is unlawful for any minor sixteen (16) years of age or older and under the age of eighteen (18) years, to be in, about, or upon any place in the City away from the property where the child resides between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m.

(3) It is unlawful for a parent or guardian of a minor to knowingly permit, or by insufficient control, allow a minor to violate section (b)(1) or section (b)(2) as listed above.

(4) It is unlawful for a parent, guardian or other person having the care, custody or supervision of the minor to fail or refuse to take custody of the minor after such demand is made upon him by a law enforcement officer who arrests the minor for violation of section (b)(1) or (b)(2) as listed above.

(c) Defenses/Exceptions.

It is a defense to prosecution under subsection (b), including (b)(3) of this section that the minor was:

(1) Accompanied by the minor's parent or guardian.

(2) With prior permission of the parent or guardian, in a motor vehicle involved in interstate travel.

(3) With prior permission of the parent or guardian, in an employment activity or going to or returning home from an employment activity without any detour or stop by the most direct route.

(4) Involved in an emergency.

(5) With prior permission of the parent or guardian, was engaged in reasonable, legitimate, and specific business and/or activity. Examples include, but are not limited to, a juvenile with prior permission of the parent or guardian, attending an official school, religious or other recreational activity supervised by adults who take responsibility for the minor, or going to or returning home from an official school, religious or other recreational activity supervised by adults who take responsibility for the minor.

(6) With prior permission of the parent or guardian, engaged in a reasonable and legitimate exercise of First Amendment rights protected by the United States Constitution.

(7) Married and sixteen (16) years of age or over, or in the military.

(8) On the sidewalk abutting their residence or on the next door neighbor's property with the consent of the neighbor.

Cell Phones and Driving:

It is illegal to hold and use your cell phone while driving unless your vehicle is parked or stopped at a red light or railroad crossing.

Sec. 19-55. - Unlawful use of a mobile electronic device.

(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle while holding a mobile electronic device, typing on or otherwise manually operating a mobile electronic device unless the vehicle is parked or stopped pursuant to A.R.S. § 28-645.a.3 or § 28-851.


Laws may have changed since the last time this article was updated.  The current and most up-to-date laws can be accessed here.



Fireworks cannot be set off except between June 24 through July 6 and December 24 through December 26. 

Even during those times, there are restriction about setting off fireworks.  Individuals cannot set off fireworks on any public property. 

Fireworks that can be used within the restrictions are:

  • Ground and handheld sparkling devices
  • Cylindrical fountains
  • Cone fountains
  • Illuminating torches
  • Wheels
  • Ground spinners
  • Flitter sparklers
  • Toy smoke devices
  • Wire sparklers or dipped sticks
  • Multiple tube ground and handheld sparkling devices, cylindrical fountains, cone fountains and illuminating torches

These types of fireworks can never be used: Any firework intended to rise into the air and explode or to detonate in the air or to fly above the ground, including firecrackers, bottle rockets, sky rockets, missile-type rockets, helicopters, aerial spinners, torpedoes, roman candles, mine devices, shell devices and aerial shell kits or reloadable tubes.

Sale of fireworks – Fireworks cannot be sold to a person under 18 years old.



It shall be unlawful to utilize or engage in any activities within any park and recreation facility, special event area, or retention basin in violation of the following, except when a permit is requested and approved in advance by the Parks, Recreation & Commercial Facilities Department Director or designee for conducting such activities as outlined in this Section: (4271, 5054)

Miscellaneous Prohibited Uses. No person within a park and recreation facility, special event area, or retention basin shall use, unless a permit is obtained in advance from the Parks, Recreation & Commercial Facilities Department Director or designee, or the Parks, Recreation & Commercial Facilities Department Director or designee has approved a specific area for such uses within a particular park and recreation facility, special event area, or retention basin, a sling shot; BB, pellet, or paint ball gun; javelin; shot-put; discus; fireworks; rockets; hot air balloons; or hard-material types of jousting, fencing, or archery equipment. (4271, 5054)


Age 15 or younger: 10 P.M. to 5:00 A.M. everyday, including weekends; Age 16-17: Midnight to 5:00 A.M. everyday, including weekends; Violating this law is a misdemeanor, and the penalties include a maximum fine of $2,500.00 or imprisonment for up to six (6) months, or both.

Laws may have changed since the last time this article was updated.  The current and most up-to-date laws can be accessed here.



Fireworks cannot be set off except between June 24 through July 6 and December 24 through December 26. 

Even during those times, there are restriction about setting off fireworks.  Individuals under 18 cannot set off fireworks. Individuals cannot set off fireworks on any public property including parks, parking lots, streets and within one mile of McDowell Sonoran Preserve or Pinnacle Peak Park.

Fireworks that can be used within the restrictions are:

  • Ground and handheld sparkling devices
  • Cylindrical fountains
  • Cone fountains
  • Illuminating torches
  • Wheels
  • Ground spinners
  • Flitter sparklers
  • Toy smoke devices
  • Wire sparklers or dipped sticks
  • Multiple tube ground and handheld sparkling devices, cylindrical fountains, cone fountains and illuminating torches

These types of fireworks can never be used: Any firework intended to rise into the air and explode or to detonate in the air or to fly above the ground, including firecrackers, bottle rockets, sky rockets, missile-type rockets, helicopters, aerial spinners, torpedoes, roman candles, mine devices, shell devices and aerial shell kits or reloadable tubes.

Sale of fireworks – Fireworks cannot be sold to a person under 18 years old.

 Sec. 36-77. - Fireworks prohibited; novelty items or show authorized by permit exceptions.

(A) The use of fireworks including permissible consumer fireworks within the city is prohibited except for the limited of use of permissible consumer fireworks during the time periods and under the conditions provided for in Section 36-77.1.

(B) Nothing in this section or article shall be construed to prohibit the use of novelty items or the carrying out of a supervised show or possession of display fireworks authorized by city permit.

(Ord. No. 3892, § 1, 11-9-10; Ord. No. 4157, § 2, 6-3-14)

Sec. 36-77.1. - Limited use of permissible consumer fireworks; permitted time periods, conditions and locations.

(A) The use of permissible consumer fireworks within the city is prohibited on all publicly owned property which includes, but is not limited to, city buildings, city parking lots, city parks, public schools and city streets and within one

(1) mile of the McDowell Sonoran Preserve or Pinnacle Peak Park.

(B) The use of permissible consumer fireworks is prohibited by anyone under the age of eighteen (18) years of age.

(C) Except as provided for above, permissible consumer fireworks may be used on private property with the consent of the owner from June 24th through July 6th and December 24th through January 3rd.

(Ord. No. 4157, § 2, 6-3-14)

Sec. 36-78. - Sale of fireworks; restrictions.

(A) No person shall sell or permit or authorize the sale of permissible consumer fireworks to a person who is under eighteen (18) years of age.

(B) No person shall sell or permit or authorize the sale of permissible consumer fireworks in conflict with state law.

(C) No person shall sell, possess, authorize or manufacture consumer or display fireworks unless authorized by state law, city permit or otherwise authorized by this article.

(D) No person shall sell permissible consumer fireworks to the public except from May 20th through July 6th and December 10th through January 3rd.

(E) A first violation of this section is a civil offense punishable by a minimum fine of one thousand dollars ($1,000). Any subsequent violations of this section within two years are class one misdemeanors punishable by a minimum fine of two thousand dollars ($2,000).

(Ord. No. 3892, § 1, 11-9-10; Ord. No. 4157, § 2, 6-3-14)


Age 15 and under: 10:00 P.M. to 5:00 A.M. everyday, including weekends; Age 16 -17: 12:00 A.M. to 5:00 A.M. everyday, including weekends.

Laws may have changed since the last time this article was updated.  The current and most up-to-date laws can be accessed here.



Fireworks cannot be set off except between June 24 through July 6 and December 24 through January 3. 

Even during those times, there are restriction about setting off fireworks.  Individuals cannot set off fireworks on any public property including city buildings, parks and parking lots.

Fireworks that can be used within the restrictions are:

  • Ground and handheld sparkling devices
  • Cylindrical fountains
  • Cone fountains
  • Illuminating torches
  • Wheels
  • Ground spinners
  • Flitter sparklers
  • Toy smoke devices
  • Wire sparklers or dipped sticks
  • Multiple tube ground and handheld sparkling devices, cylindrical fountains, cone fountains and illuminating torches

These types of fireworks can never be used: Any firework intended to rise into the air and explode or to detonate in the air or to fly above the ground, including firecrackers, bottle rockets, sky rockets, missile-type rockets, helicopters, aerial spinners, torpedoes, roman candles, mine devices, shell devices and aerial shell kits or reloadable tubes.

Sale of fireworks – Fireworks cannot be sold to a person under 16 years old.


Ordinance No. 4548

Section 1. That Section 28-22 of the Code of the City of Chandler is hereby amended to modify the title of the Section and add Subsection 28-22.1 to read as follows:

28-22. EXPLOSIVES AND Fireworks Preemption.


Section 5601.1 of the code is hereby amended by deleting Exception 9 in its entirety and adding new Exceptions 9 and 10 to read as follows:

Exception 9. Items preempted by federal or state LAW AND regulations.

Exception 10. The possession, manufacture, storage, handling, sale and use of fireworks in accordance with City ordinances.

Section 2. That Subsection 28-22.2 is hereby added to Section 28-22 of the Code of the City of Chandler to read as follows:



The possession, manufacture, storage, sale, handling and use of fireworks are prohibited EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED BY LAW AND CITY ORDINANCE AND THE EXCEPTIONS LISTED BELOW.


  1. Storage and handling of fireworks as allowed in Section 5604.
  2. Manufacture, assembly and testing of fireworks as allowed in Section 5605.
  3. The use of fireworks for fireworks displays as allowed in Section 5608.
  4. The possession, storage, sale, handling and use of specific types of Division fireworks where allowed by applicable laws, ordinances and regulations, provided such fireworks comply with CPSC 16 CFR Parts 1500 and 1507, and DOTn 49 CFR for consumer fireworks.
















Age 15 and under: 10 P.M . to 5:00 A.M. (everyday, including weekends); Ages 16-17 years: Midnight to 5:00 A.M. (everyday including weekends). Juveniles are allowed out after the specified times if they are accompanied by a parent, legal guardian, or spouse, or have written permission from the same. Curfew is considered 'over' at 5 A.M.

11-1.1. Offenses.

A. It is unlawful for any minor under the age of sixteen (16) years to be in, about, or upon any place in the City away from the property where the youth resides between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. of the following day.

B. It is unlawful for any minor, sixteen (16) years of age or older and under the age of eighteen (18) years, to be in, about, or upon any place in the City away from the property where the youth resides between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. of the following day.


Laws may have changed since the last time this article was updated.  The current and most up-to-date laws can be accessed here.



Fireworks cannot be set off except between June 24 through July 6 and December 24 through January 3. 

Even during those times, there are restriction about setting off fireworks.  Individuals cannot set off fireworks on any public property including city buildings, parks and parking lots.

Fireworks that can be used within the restrictions are:

  • Ground and handheld sparkling devices
  • Cylindrical fountains
  • Cone fountains
  • Illuminating torches
  • Wheels
  • Ground spinners
  • Flitter sparklers
  • Toy smoke devices
  • Wire sparklers or dipped sticks
  • Multiple tube ground and handheld sparkling devices, cylindrical fountains, cone fountains and illuminating torches

These types of fireworks can never be used: Any firework intended to rise into the air and explode or to detonate in the air or to fly above the ground, including firecrackers, bottle rockets, sky rockets, missile-type rockets, helicopters, aerial spinners, torpedoes, roman candles, mine devices, shell devices and aerial shell kits or reloadable tubes.

Sale of fireworks – Fireworks cannot be sold to a person under 16 years old.

 Sec. 26-70.1. Purpose.

The City Council hereby recognizes that the desert environment of Arizona has unique fire risks and adopts this division to enhance the public safety and welfare of its citizens and the community by prohibiting the use of fireworks within the city. 

(Ord. No. 2801, § 1, 4-24-12) 

Sec. 26-70.2. Definitions.

The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: 

  1. City Permit: A permit issued by the City Fire Chief or designee. 
  2. Display fireworks: Those fireworks defined by Arizona Revised Statutes § 36-1601. 
  3. Expenses of an emergency response: The reasonable costs directly incurred by public agencies including but not limited to the City Fire, Police and Public Works Departments or other first responders including but not limited to private ambulance companies that make an appropriate emergency response to an incident. 
  4. Fireworks: Display fireworks, consumer fireworks and permissible consumer fireworks as defined by Arizona Revised Statutes § 36-1601. 
  5. Novelty items: Federally deregulated novelty items that are known as snappers, snap caps, party poppers, glow worms, snakes, toy smoke devices and sparklers. 
  6. Permissible consumer fireworks: Those fireworks as defined by Arizona Revised Statutes § 36-1601 that may be sold within a municipality even where the use of those items has been prohibited. 
  7. Reasonable Costs: The costs of providing police, fire fighting, clean-up, rescue and emergency medical services at the scene of an incident and the salaries of the persons who respond to the incident. 
  8. Supervised show: A monitored performance of display fireworks open to the public authorized by city permit. 

(Ord. No. 2801, § 1, 4-24-12) 

Sec. 26-70.3. Fireworks prohibited; exceptions.

(a) The use of fireworks of any kind within the city is prohibited.

(b) Nothing in this section or division shall be construed to prohibit the use of novelty items or the carrying out of a supervised show or possession of display fireworks authorized by city permit. 

(Ord. No. 2801, § 1, 4-24-12) 

Sec. 26-70.4. Sale of fireworks.

(a) No person shall sell or permit or authorize the sale of permissible consumer fireworks to a person who is under sixteen years of age. 

(b) No person shall sell or permit or authorize the sale of permissible consumer fireworks in conflict with state law. 

(c) No person shall sell, possess, authorize or manufacture consumer or display fireworks unless authorized by state law or city permit. 

(Ord. No. 2801, § 1, 4-24-12)


Laws may have changed since the last time this article was updated.  The current and most up-to-date laws can be accessed here.



Fireworks cannot be set off except between June 24 through July 6 and December 24 through January 3. 

Even during those times, there are restriction about setting off fireworks.  Individuals cannot set off fireworks on any public property including city buildings, parks and parking lots.

Fireworks that can be used within the restrictions are:

  • Ground and handheld sparkling devices
  • Cylindrical fountains
  • Cone fountains
  • Illuminating torches
  • Wheels
  • Ground spinners
  • Flitter sparklers
  • Toy smoke devices
  • Wire sparklers or dipped sticks
  • Multiple tube ground and handheld sparkling devices, cylindrical fountains, cone fountains and illuminating torches

These types of fireworks can never be used: Any firework intended to rise into the air and explode or to detonate in the air or to fly above the ground, including firecrackers, bottle rockets, sky rockets, missile-type rockets, helicopters, aerial spinners, torpedoes, roman candles, mine devices, shell devices and aerial shell kits or reloadable tubes.

Sale of fireworks – Fireworks cannot be sold to a person under 18 years old.

Sec. 9-46. Fireworks; definitions

Sec. 9-47. Fireworks; prohibited; exceptions.

Sec. 9-48. Fireworks; sale of fireworks; violations. 

Sec. 9-51. Fireworks; liability for emergency responses related to use of fireworks.

Sec. 9-52. Fireworks; penalties.

Sec. 9-53. Fireworks; limited use of permissible consumer fireworks; permitted time periods; conditions and locations.


Sec. 18-69. Parks; fireworks, fires, glass, weapons; violations 

A. Within a park and recreation area it shall be unlawful for any person to: 

  1. Have in his possession or set off any fireworks. Permits may be given by the Fire Marshall and Director for conducting properly supervised fireworks in designated park and recreation areas. 
  2. Kindle, build, maintain or use a fire except in barbecue containers within a ramada. Any fire shall be continuously under the care and direction of a competent person from the time it is kindled until it is extinguished. No person shall throw away or discard any lighted match, cigar, cigarette, tobacco, paper or other material within or against any building, boat or vehicle, or under any tree or in underbrush. The City Manager or his designee may declare a Fire Emergency and prohibit all fires and/or smoking of tobacco products in one or more park and recreation areas. 
  3. Bring in or use any portable grill, unless subject to a permit issued by the City. 
  4. Throw, toss or otherwise propel or either willfully or maliciously or carelessly or negligently break any glass object. 
  5. Have a glass beverage container in his or her possession. 
  6. Bring into or have in his possession in any park and recreation area any BB gun, air gun, spring gun, slingshot, bow, or other similar weapon in which the propelling force is a spring in air. 
  7. Discharge or fire any firearm or other weapon in which the propelling force is gunpowder, except in self-defense or defense of another person against a use or an attempted use of unlawful physical or deadly physical force by a third person or an animal attack if a reasonable person would believe that the use of physical force or deadly physical force against the third person or animal is immediately necessary and reasonable under the circumstances to protect oneself or the other person. 

B. Violations of this section shall be a class one (1) misdemeanor. Upon conviction, the Municipal Court shall order restitution to be paid by the violator to the City for the cost of cleanup resulting from the violation and the enforcement of this section. Restitution shall be actual cost, but in no event less than One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars. 

(Ord. No. 04-213, 12/14/2004, Enacting) SUPP 2004-4 

(Ord. No. 05-59, 11/01/2005, Amended) SUPP 2005-04 

(Ord. No. 2010-13, 7/6/2010, Amended) SUPP 2010-03



Age 15 or under: 10:00 P.M. to 5:00 AM everyday, including weekends; Age 16 -17: 12:00 A.M. to 5:00 A.M. everyday, including weekends. Violating Peoria’s curfew law is a misdemeanor, and the penalties include a fine of $50 to $150 plus fees with mandatory community service or educational programs. Parents found guilty of allowing their kids to stay out past curfew are guilty of a class one misdemeanor too, and can be fined $100-$250. Parents might also have to pay extra fees related to the City's court costs and might have to perform community service, counseling, educational programs or even be placed on probation.


Laws may have changed since the last time this article was updated.  The current and most up-to-date laws can be accessed here.



Fireworks cannot be set off except between June 24 through July 6 and December 24 through January 3.

Fireworks that can be used within the restrictions are:

  • Ground and handheld sparkling devices
  • Cylindrical fountains
  • Cone fountains
  • Illuminating torches
  • Wheels
  • Ground spinners
  • Flitter sparklers
  • Toy smoke devices
  • Wire sparklers or dipped sticks
  • Multiple tube ground and handheld sparkling devices, cylindrical fountains, cone fountains and illuminating torches

These types of fireworks can never be used: Any firework intended to rise into the air and explode or to detonate in the air or to fly above the ground, including firecrackers, bottle rockets, sky rockets, missile-type rockets, helicopters, aerial spinners, torpedoes, roman candles, mine devices, shell devices and aerial shell kits or reloadable tubes.

Sale of fireworks – Fireworks cannot be sold to a person under 16 years old.

 10-44 Definitions.

The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, have the meanings ascribed to them in this article, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: 

  1. "Consumer firework" means those fireworks defined as such by Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 36-1601, as amended. 
  2. "Display firework" means those fireworks defined as such by Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 36-1601, as amended. 
  3. "Expenses of an emergency response" means reasonable costs directly incurred by public agencies, for-profit entities or not-for-profit entities that make an appropriate emergency response to an incident. 
  4. "Fireworks" means any combustible or explosive composition, substance or combination of substances, or any article prepared for the purpose of producing a visible or audible effect by combustion, explosion, deflagration or detonation, including a consumer firework, display firework or permissible consumer firework as defined by Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 36-1601, as amended. 
  5. "Novelty items" means federally deregulated novelty items that are known as snappers, snap caps, party poppers, glow worms, snakes, toy smoke devices, sparklers, and certain toys excluded from the definition of fireworks, as fireworks is defined in Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 36-1601, as amended. 
  6. "Permissible consumer fireworks" means those fireworks defined as such by Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 36-1601, as amended, that may be sold within the city, even where the use of those items has been prohibited. 
  7. "Reasonable costs" includes the costs of providing police, fire fighting, rescue and emergency medical services at the scene of an incident and the salaries of the persons who respond to the incident. 
  8. "Supervised public display" means a monitored performance of display fireworks open to the public and authorized by permit by the fire chief or authorized designee. (Ord. No. 1432-1210, § 2, 12-6-10) 

10-45 Use of fireworks prohibited; exceptions.

(a) The use, discharge or ignition of fireworks within the corporate limits of the city is prohibited, except that permissible consumer fireworks may be used during the periods of June 24 through July 6 and December 24 through January 3 of each year.

(b) Nothing in this section 10-45 or in this article shall be construed to prohibit the use, discharge or ignition of novelty items or the occurrence of a supervised public display of fireworks. 

(c) Permits may be granted by the fire chief or authorized designee for conducting a properly supervised public display of fireworks. Every such supervised public display of fireworks shall be of such character and so located, discharged or fired, only after proper inspection and in a manner that does not endanger persons, animals or property. A permit shall not be issued, and may be revoked, during time periods of high fire danger warnings as declared by the United States National Weather Service. The fire chief or authorized designee has authority to impose conditions on any permits granted. 

(d) Failure to comply with any permit requirements issued by the fire chief or authorized designee is a civil offense punishable by a base civil fine of up to seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) for each violation. (Ord. No. 1432-1210, § 2, 12-6-10) 

10-46 Sale of fireworks.

(a) No person shall sell, permit or authorize the sale of permissible consumer fireworks to a person who is under sixteen (16) years of age. 

(b) No person shall sell, permit or authorize the sale of permissible consumer fireworks in conflict with state law. (Ord. No. 1432-1210, § 2, 12-6-10) 


Laws may have changed since the last time this article was updated.  The current and most up-to-date laws can be accessed here.




Fireworks cannot be set off except between June 24 through July 6 and December 24 through January 3.

Even during those times, there are restriction about setting off fireworks.  Individuals cannot set off fireworks on any public property including city parking lots, city streets, schools and parks.

You must have the owner’s permission to set off fireworks on any private property.
Fireworks that can be used within the restrictions are:

  • Ground and handheld sparkling devices
  • Cylindrical fountains
  • Cone fountains
  • Illuminating torches
  • Wheels
  • Ground spinners
  • Flitter sparklers
  • Toy smoke devices
  • Wire sparklers or dipped sticks
  • Multiple tube ground and handheld sparkling devices, cylindrical fountains, cone fountains and illuminating torches

These types of fireworks can never be used: Any firework intended to rise into the air and explode or to detonate in the air or to fly above the ground, including firecrackers, bottle rockets, sky rockets, missile-type rockets, helicopters, aerial spinners, torpedoes, roman candles, mine devices, shell devices and aerial shell kits or reloadable tubes.

Sale of fireworks – Fireworks cannot be sold to a person under 16 years old.

The Law:

Section 10-2-8 Discharge or Ignition of Fireworks

A. Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this section 10-2-8, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this subsection 10-2-8(A), except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

  1. "Consumer firework" means those fireworks defined by A.R.S. § 36-1601.
  2. "Display firework" means those fireworks defined by A.R.S. § 36-1601.
  3. "Expenses of an emergency response" means reasonable costs directly incurred by public agencies, for-profit entities or not-for-profit entities that make an appropriate emergency response to an incident.
  4. "Fireworks" means any combustible or explosive composition, substance or combination of substances, or any article prepared for the purpose of producing a visible or audible effect by combustion, explosion, deflagration or detonation, that is a consumer firework, display firework or permissible consumer firework as defined by A.R.S. § 36-1601.
  5. "Novelty items" means federally deregulated novelty items that are known as snappers, snap caps, party poppers, glow worms, snakes, toy smoke devices, sparklers, and certain toys as defined in A.R.S. § 36-1601.
  6. "Permissible consumer fireworks" means those fireworks of the same title as defined by A.R.S. § 36-1601.
  7. "Reasonable costs" includes the costs of providing police, fire fighting, rescue and emergency medical services at the scene of an incident and the salaries of the persons who respond to the incident.
  8. "Supervised public display" means a monitored performance of display fireworks open to the public and authorized by permit issued by the city manager or authorized designee.

B. Fireworks prohibited; exceptions.

  1. It shall be unlawful for any person, other than those parties engaged in a supervised public display, to use, discharge or cause the ignition of fireworks within the corporate limits of the City, except that the use of permissible consumer fireworks shall be allowed from June 24 through July 6 and December 24 through January 3 each year.
  2. Nothing in this section 10-2-8 shall be construed to prohibit the use, discharge or ignition of novelty items or the occurrence of a supervised public display of fireworks pursuant to a permit issued by the city.
  3. Upon written application to the city on a form approved by the city, permits may be granted by the city manager or authorized designee for conducting a supervised public display of fireworks. Application to the city for a permit shall be made in writing not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of the display. Every display shall be handled by a competent operator, and shall be of a character and located, discharged and fired so that it will not be hazardous to property or endanger any person. Before a permit is granted, the operator, location and handling of the display shall be approved, after investigation, by the city manager or authorized designee. After a permit is granted, the sale, possession, use and distribution of fireworks for the display shall be lawful for that purpose only. No permit is transferable or assignable. A permit shall not be issued, and may be revoked, during time periods of high fire danger warnings. The city manager or authorized designee has authority to impose conditions on any supervised public display permit granted.
  4. Penalty . A violation of this section 10-2-8(B) shall be a class 3 misdemeanor.

C. Sale of fireworks.

  1. No person shall sell or permit or authorize the sale of permissible consumer fireworks to a person who is under sixteen (16) years of age.
  2. No person shall sell or permit or authorize the sale of permissible consumer fireworks in conflict with state law.
  3. Except as otherwise provided in this Section and under State law, it shall be unlawful for any person to sell fireworks within the corporate limits of the City, except the sale of permissible consumer fireworks is allowed from May 20 through July 6 and December 10 through January 3 each year.

D. Posting of signs by persons engaged in the sale of fireworks; civil penalty.

  1. Prior to the sale of permissible consumer fireworks, every person engaged in such sales shall prominently display signs indicating the following:
    a.The use of fireworks, including permissible consumer fireworks, except novelty items as defined by Arizona law and the City Code, is prohibited, except that the use of permissible consumer fireworks is allowed from June 24 through July 6 and December 24 through January 3 each year.
    b.Consumer fireworks authorized for sale under state law may not be sold to persons under sixteen (16) years of age.
  2. Signs required pursuant to this section shall be placed at each cash register and in each area where fireworks are displayed for sale.
  3. Every person who sells permissible consumer fireworks to the public shall comply with rules adopted pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-1609 relating to the storage of consumer fireworks relating to the retail sale of consumer fireworks before selling permissible consumer fireworks to the public. The city manager or authorized designee may develop regulations concerning the size and color of the required signs and may develop a model sign. The sign regulations and model sign shall be posted on the city's website and filed with the clerk's office.
  4. A violation of subsection 10-2-8(D)(1) or 10-2-8(D)(2) shall be a civil offense punishable by base fine of up to five hundred dollars ($500.00).

E. Enforcement.

  1. The city manager or authorized designee, a city police officer or marshal, or the city attorney may issue civil complaints to enforce those provisions of this section 10-2-8 designated as civil offenses.
  2. Any person authorized pursuant to this section to issue a civil complaint may also issue a notice of violation specifying actions to be taken and the time in which they are to be taken to avoid issuance of a civil or criminal complaint.
  3. A city police officer or marshal or the city attorney may issue criminal complaints to enforce this article.

F. Liability for emergency responses related to use of fireworks; definitions.

  1. A person who uses, discharges or ignites permissible consumer fireworks, fireworks or anything that is designed or intended to rise into the air and explode or to detonate in the air or to fly above the ground, shall be strictly liable for the expenses of any emergency response that is required by such use, discharge or ignition. The fact that a person is convicted or found responsible for a violation(s) of this section 10-2-8 shall be prima facie evidence of liability under this section.
  2. The expenses of an emergency response are a charge against the person liable for those expenses pursuant to subsection 10-2-8(F)(1). The charge constitutes a debt of that person and may be collected proportionately by the public agencies, for-profit entities or not-for-profit entities that incurred the expenses. The liability imposed under this section is in addition to and not in limitation of any other liability that may be imposed.

G. Penalty.

The penalty for violating any prohibition or requirement imposed by this Section 10-2-8 is a civil penalty of one thousand dollars.


Laws may have changed since the last time this article was updated.  The current and most up-to-date laws can be accessed here.



Fireworks cannot be set off except for June 24 through July 6 and December 24 through January 3. and with a permit issued by the town's fire chief or his or her designee.

Even during those times, there are restriction about setting off fireworks.  Individuals cannot set off fireworks on any public property including Town parking lots, Town streets, schools and parks.

You must have the owner’s permission to set off fireworks on any private property.
Fireworks that can be used within the restrictions are:

  • Ground and handheld sparkling devices
  • Cylindrical fountains
  • Cone fountains
  • Illuminating torches
  • Wheels
  • Ground spinners
  • Flitter sparklers
  • Toy smoke devices
  • Wire sparklers or dipped sticks
  • Multiple tube ground and handheld sparkling devices, cylindrical fountains, cone fountains and illuminating torches

These types of fireworks can never be used: Any firework intended to rise into the air and explode or to detonate in the air or to fly above the ground, including firecrackers, bottle rockets, sky rockets, missile-type rockets, helicopters, aerial spinners, torpedoes, roman candles, mine devices, shell devices and aerial shell kits or reloadable tubes.

Sale of fireworks –Fireworks cannot be sold to a person under 16 years old.

 The Law:

Section 6-7-1 Definitions

A. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

  1. "Consumer firework" means those fireworks defined by Section 36-1601, Arizona Revised Statutes.
  2. "Display firework" means those fireworks defined by Section 36-1601, Arizona Revised Statutes.
  3. "Fireworks" means any combustible or explosive composition, substance or combination of substances, or any article prepared for the purpose of producing a visible or audible effect by combustion, explosion, deflagration or detonation, that is a consumer firework, display firework or permissible consumer firework as defined by Section 36-1601, Arizona Revised Statutes.
  4. "Novelty items" means federally deregulated novelty items that are known as glow worms, snakes, toy smoke devices, sparklers, and certain toys as defined in Section 36-1601, Arizona Revised Statutes.
  5. "Permissible consumer fireworks" means those fireworks as defined by Section 36-1601, Arizona Revised Statutes that may be sold within the town even where the use of those items has been prohibited.
  6. "Supervised public display" means a monitored performance of display fireworks open to the public and authorized by permit by the town's fire chief or his or her designee. ALP 4/11 S-4 70A


Section 6-7-2 Fireworks Prohibited; Exceptions

(A) The use, discharge or ignition of fireworks within the town is prohibited except for the Fourth of July, New Year's Eve or other town event between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. and with a permit issued by the town's fire chief or his or her designee.

(B) The use, discharge or ignition of novelty items defined in Section 6-7-1(A)(4) shall be strictly prohibited.

(C) Permits may be granted by the town's fire chief or designee for conducting a properly supervised public display of fireworks. Every such public display of fireworks shall be of such character and so located, discharged or fired, only after proper inspection and in a manner that does not endanger persons, animals, or property. A permit shall not be issued, and may be revoked, during time periods of high fire danger warnings. The town's fire chief or designee has authority to impose conditions on any permits granted.

(D) Failure to comply with any permit requirements issued by the town's fire chief or designee is a civil offense punishable by seven hundred and fifty dollar ($750) civil fine for each violation.

Section 6-7-3 Sale of Fireworks

(A) No person shall sell or permit or authorize the sale of permissible consumer fireworks to a person who is under sixteen years of age.

(B) No person shall sell or permit or authorize the sale of permissible consumer fireworks in conflict with state law.


Laws may have changed since the last time this article was updated.  The current and most up-to-date laws can be accessed here.

Cave Creek


The individual use, discharge or ignition of fireworks is not allowed.

Permits may be granted by the Fire Chief or designee for conducting a property supervised public display of fireworks.

Sale of fireworks – Fireworks cannot be sold to a person under 16 years old.

The Law:


A. Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.

  1. CONSUMER FIREWORK. Those fireworks defined by A.R.S. § 36-1601.
  2. DISPLAY FIREWORK. Those fireworks defined by A.R.S. § 36-1601.
  3. FIREWORKS. Any combustible or explosive composition, substance or combination of substances, or any article prepared for the purpose of producing a visible or audible effect by combustion, explosion, deflagration or detonation, that is a consumer firework, display firework or permissible consumer firework as defined by A.R.S. § 36-1601.
  4. NOVELTY ITEMS. Items that are known as glow worms, snakes, toy smoke devices, and sparklers.
  5. PERMISSIBLE CONSUMER FIREWORKS. Those fireworks as defined by A.R.S. § 36-1601 that may be sold within the Town of Cave Creek even where the use of those items has been prohibited.
  6. SUPERVISED PUBLIC DISPLAY. A monitored performance of display fireworks open to the public and authorized by permit by the Town Fire Chief or designee.

B. Fireworks prohibited; exceptions.

  1. The use, discharge or ignition of fireworks or novelty items within the town is prohibited except as provided for in this section.
  2. Nothing in this section or chapter shall be construed to prohibit the occurrence of a supervised public display of fireworks.
  3. Permits may be granted by the Fire Chief or designee for conducting a property supervised public display of fireworks. Every such public display of fireworks shall be of such character and so located, discharged or fired, only after proper inspection and in a manner that does not endanger persons, animals, or property. A permit shall not be issued, and may be revoked, during time periods of high fire danger warnings. The Fire Chief has authority to impose conditions on any permits issued, including, but not limited to, those requirements contained in A.R.S. Title 36, the Fire Code adopted by the town and any other applicable law.
  4. Failure to comply with any permit requirements issued by the Fire Chief is a civil code infraction punishable by a civil fine up to $500 for each violation.

C. Sale of fireworks.

  1. No person shall sell or permit or authorize the sale of permissible consumer fireworks to a person who is under 16 years of age.
  2. No person shall sell or permit or authorize the sale of permissible consumer fireworks in conflict with state law.


Laws may have changed since the last time this article was updated.  The current and most up-to-date laws can be accessed here.

El Mirage


The individual use, discharge or ignition of fireworks is not allowed.

Permits may be granted by the Fire Chief or designee for conducting a supervised public display of fireworks

Sale of fireworks – Fireworks cannot be sold to a person under 16 years old.

The Law:

§ 95.02 FIREWORKS.

A. Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.

  1. CONSUMER FIREWORK. Those fireworks defined by A.R.S. § 36-1601.
  2. DISPLAY FIREWORK. Those fireworks defined by A.R.S. § 36-1601.
  3. FIREWORKS. Any combustible or explosive composition, substance or combination of substances, or any article prepared for the purpose of producing a visible or audible effect by combustion, explosion, deflagration or detonation, that is a consumer firework, display firework or permissible consumer firework as defined by A.R.S. § 36-1601.
  4. NOVELTY ITEMS. Federally deregulated novelty items that are known as snappers, snap caps, party poppers, glow worms, snakes, toy smoke devices, sparklers, and certain toys as defined in A.R.S. § 36-1601.
  5. PERMISSIBLE CONSUMER FIREWORKS. Those fireworks as defined by A.R.S. § 36-1601 that may be sold within the City of El Mirage even where the use of those items has been prohibited.
  6. SUPERVISED PUBLIC DISPLAY. A monitored performance of display fireworks open to the public and authorized by permit issued by the Fire Chief or his or her designee.

B. Use of fireworks prohibited; exceptions.

  1. Except as otherwise provided herein, the use, discharge or ignition of fireworks within the City of El Mirage is prohibited.
  2. Nothing in this section or subchapter shall be construed to prohibit the use, discharge or ignition of novelty items or the occurrence of a supervised public display of fireworks.
  3. Permits may be granted by the Fire Chief or designee for conducting a supervised public display of fireworks. Every supervised public display of fireworks shall be of such character and so located, discharged or fired, only after proper inspection and in a manner that does not endanger persons, animals, or property. The Fire Chief has authority to impose conditions on any permits granted. When a high fire danger is declared, the Fire Chief shall not issue a permit, or shall revoke a permit previously issued, for supervised public display of fireworks.

C. Sale of fireworks.

  1. No person shall sell or permit or authorize the sale of permissible consumer fireworks to a person who is under 16 years of age.
  2. No person shall sell or permit or authorize the sale of permissible consumer fireworks in conflict with state law.


Laws may have changed since the last time this article was updated.  The current and most up-to-date laws can be accessed here.

Fountain Hills


Fireworks cannot be set off except between June 24 through July 6 and December 24 through January 3.

Fireworks that can be used within the restrictions are:

  • Ground and handheld sparkling devices
  • Cylindrical fountains
  • Cone fountains
  • Illuminating torches
  • Wheels
  • Ground spinners
  • Flitter sparklers
  • Toy smoke devices
  • Wire sparklers or dipped sticks
  • Multiple tube ground and handheld sparkling devices, cylindrical fountains, cone fountains and illuminating torches

These types of fireworks can never be used: Any firework intended to rise into the air and explode or to detonate in the air or to fly above the ground, including firecrackers, bottle rockets, sky rockets, missile-type rockets, helicopters, aerial spinners, torpedoes, roman candles, mine devices, shell devices and aerial shell kits or reloadable tubes.

Sale of fireworks – Fireworks cannot be sold to a person under 16 years old.

The Law:

Section 11-1-4

A. Definitions.  The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this Section, have the meanings ascribed to them in this Section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

  1. “Consumer firework” means those fireworks defined as such by Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 36-1601, as amended.
  2. “Display firework” means those fireworks defined as such by Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 36-1601, as amended.
  3. “Expenses of an emergency response” means reasonable costs directly incurred by public agencies, for-profit entities or not-for-profit entities that make an appropriate emergency response to an incident.
  4. “Fireworks” means any combustible or explosive composition, substance or combination of substances, or any article prepared for the purpose of producing a visible or audible effect by combustion, explosion, deflagration or detonation, including a Consumer Firework, Display Firework or Permissible Consumer Firework as defined by Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 36-1601, as amended.
  5. “Novelty items” means federally deregulated novelty items that are known as snappers, snap caps, party poppers, glow worms, snakes, toy smoke devices, sparklers, and certain toys as defined in Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 36-1601, as amended.
  6. “Permissible consumer fireworks” means those fireworks defined as such by Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 36-1601, as amended.
  7. “Reasonable costs” includes the costs of providing police, fire fighting, rescue and emergency medical services at the scene of an incident and the salaries of the persons who respond to the incident.
  8. “Supervised public display” means a monitored performance of Display Fireworks open to the public and authorized by permit by the Fire Chief or his designee.

B. Use of Fireworks prohibited; exceptions.

  1. The use, discharge or ignition of Fireworks within the corporate limits of the Town is prohibited, except that Permissible Consumer Fireworks may be used during the periods of June 24 through July 6 and December 24 through January 3 of each year.
  2. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to prohibit the use, discharge or ignition of Novelty Items or the occurrence of a Supervised Public Display of Fireworks.
  3. Permits may be granted by the Fire Chief or authorized designee for conducting a properly Supervised Public Display of Fireworks.  Every such Supervised Public Display of Fireworks shall be of such character and so located, discharged or fired, only after proper inspection and in a manner that does not endanger persons, animals or property.  A permit shall not be issued, and may be revoked, during time periods of High Fire Danger warnings.  The Fire Chief or authorized designee has authority to impose conditions on any permits granted.
  4. Failure to comply with any permit requirements issued by the Fire Chief or authorized designee is a civil offense punishable by a base fine of up to one thousand dollars ($1,000) for each violation.

C. Sale of Fireworks.

  1. The sale of fireworks within the corporate limits of the Town is prohibited, except that Permissible Consumer Fireworks may be sold during the periods of May 20 through July 6 and December 10 through January 3 of each year.
  2. No person shall sell or permit, authorize the sale of Permissible Consumer Fireworks in conflict with State law.  Nothing in this Subsection C or in this Section shall be construed to prohibit the sale of novelty items.
  3. No person shall sell, permit or authorize the sale of Permissible Consumer Fireworks to a person who is under sixteen (16) years of age.
  4. Permits for the sale of Permissible Consumer Fireworks are required and may be granted by the Fire Chief or his authorized designee.  Violations of this Section or Arizona Revised Statues, Chapter 13, Article 1, shall be grounds for immediate revocation of such permit.
  5. The storage of fireworks within the corporate limits of the Town shall be in accordance with the National Fire Protection Association Standards 1124, 2006 Edition, as amended.


Laws may have changed since the last time this article was updated.  The current and most up-to-date laws can be accessed here.



Fireworks cannot be set off except between June 24 through July 6 and December 24 through January 3.

Even during those times, there are restriction about setting off fireworks.  Individuals cannot set off fireworks on any public property including Town parking lots, Town streets, schools and parks.

The use, discharge, or ignition of fireworks on private property is allowed with the owner’s permission.

Fireworks that can be used within the restrictions are:

  • Ground and handheld sparkling devices
  • Cylindrical fountains
  • Cone fountains
  • Illuminating torches
  • Wheels
  • Ground spinners
  • Flitter sparklers
  • Toy smoke devices
  • Wire sparklers or dipped sticks
  • Multiple tube ground and handheld sparkling devices, cylindrical fountains, cone fountains and illuminating torches

These types of fireworks can never be used: Any firework intended to rise into the air and explode or to detonate in the air or to fly above the ground, including firecrackers, bottle rockets, sky rockets, missile-type rockets, helicopters, aerial spinners, torpedoes, roman candles, mine devices, shell devices and aerial shell kits or reloadable tubes.

Sale of fireworks –Fireworks cannot be sold to a person under 16 years old.

The Law:

Section 42-115

A. Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases when used in this article, have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: 

  1. Consumer firework means those fireworks defined by A.R.S. § 36-1601.
  2. Display firework means those fireworks defined by A.R.S. § 36-1601.
  3. Fireworks means any combustible or explosive composition, substance or combination of substances, or any article prepared for the purpose of producing a visible or audible effect by combustion, explosion, deflagration or detonation, that is a consumer firework, display firework or permissible consumer firework as defined by A.R.S. § 36-1601. 
  4. Novelty items means federally deregulated novelty items that are known as snappers, snap caps, party poppers, glow worms, snakes, toy smoke devices, sparklers, and certain toys as defined in A.R.S. § 36-1601. 
  5. Permissible consumer fireworks means those fireworks as defined by A.R.S. § 36-1601.
  6. Supervised public display means a monitored performance of display fireworks open to the public and authorized by permit by the Gilbert Fire Chief. 

B. Fireworks prohibited; exceptions. 

  1. The use, discharge or ignition of fireworks, including permissible consumer fireworks, within Gilbert is prohibited except as provided for in this section: 
        a. The use, discharge or ignition of fireworks is allowed from June 24 through July 6 and December 24 through January 3 each year while on private property with the owner's permission.
        b. The use, discharge or ignition of fireworks is prohibited on all public property including in all public parks and public right of way. 
  2. Nothing in this section or article shall be construed to prohibit the use, discharge or ignition of novelty items or the occurrence of a supervised public display of fireworks. 
  3. Permits may be granted by the fire chief for conducting a properly supervised public display of fireworks. Every such public display of fireworks shall be of such character and so located, discharged or fired, only after proper inspection and in a manner that does not endanger persons, animals, or property. A permit shall not be issued, and may be revoked, during time periods of high fire danger warnings. The fire chief has authority to impose conditions on any permits granted. 

C. Sale of fireworks. 

  1. No person shall sell or permit or authorize the sale of permissible consumer fireworks to a person who is under 16 years of age. 
  2. No person shall sell or permit or authorize the sale of permissible consumer fireworks in conflict with state law.


Laws may have changed since the last time this article was updated.  The current and most up-to-date laws can be accessed here.




Fireworks cannot be set off except between June 24 through July 6 and December 24 through January 3.

Even during those times, there are restriction about setting off fireworks.  Individuals cannot set off fireworks on any public property including City parking lots, City streets, schools and parks, and on any property within one mile of the Corgett Wash, Agua Fria River, and Estrella Mountain Regional Park.

Fireworks that can be used within the restrictions are:

  • Ground and handheld sparkling devices
  • Cylindrical fountains
  • Cone fountains
  • Illuminating torches
  • Wheels
  • Ground spinners
  • Flitter sparklers
  • Toy smoke devices
  • Wire sparklers or dipped sticks
  • Multiple tube ground and handheld sparkling devices, cylindrical fountains, cone fountains and illuminating torches

These types of fireworks can never be used: Any firework intended to rise into the air and explode or to detonate in the air or to fly above the ground, including firecrackers, bottle rockets, sky rockets, missile-type rockets, helicopters, aerial spinners, torpedoes, roman candles, mine devices, shell devices and aerial shell kits or reloadable tubes.

Sale of fireworks – Fireworks cannot be sold to a person under 18 years old.

The Law:

Ordinance 11-1-34 

(A) Definitions.

The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this section, have the meanings ascribed to them in this subsection, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: CONSUMER FIREWORK means those fireworks defined by Arizona Revised Statutes Section 36-1601.

  1. DISPLAY FIREWORK means those fireworks defined by Arizona Revised Statutes Section 36-1601.
  2. FIREWORKS means any combustible or explosive composition, substance or combination of substances, or any article prepared for the purpose of producing a visible or audible effect by combustion, explosion, deflagration or detonation, that is a consumer firework, display firework or permissible consumer firework as defined by Arizona Revised Statutes Section 36-1601.
  3. NOVELTY ITEMS means federally deregulated novelty items that are known as snappers, snap caps, party poppers, glow worms, snakes, toy smoke devices, sparklers, and certain toys as defined in Arizona Revised Statutes Section 36-1601.
  4. PERMISSIBLE CONSUMER FIREWORKS means those fireworks as defined by Arizona Revised Statutes Section 36-1601 that may be sold within the City even where the use of those items has been prohibited.
  5. SUPERVISED PUBLIC DISPLAY means a monitored performance of display fireworks open to the public and authorized by permit by the Fire Marshal or his designee.

(B) Fireworks prohibited; exceptions.

  1. The use, discharge or ignition of fireworks within the City is prohibited.
  2. Nothing in this subsection or section shall be construed to prohibit the use, discharge or ignition of novelty items or the occurrence of a supervised public display of fireworks.
  3. Permits may be granted by the Fire Marshal or designee for conducting a properly supervised public display of fireworks. Every such public display of fireworks shall be of such character and so located, discharged or fired, only after proper inspection and in a manner that does not endanger persons, animals, or property. A permit shall not be issued, and may be revoked, during time periods of High Fire Danger warnings. The Fire Marshal has authority to impose conditions on any permits granted.
  4. Failure to comply with any permit requirements issued by the Fire Marshal is a Class 3 misdemeanor offense.

(C) Sale of fireworks.

  1. No person shall sell or permit or authorize the sale of permissible consumer fireworks to a person who is under 16 years of age.
  2. No person shall sell or permit or authorize the sale of permissible consumer fireworks in conflict with state law.


Laws may have changed since the last time this article was updated.  The current and most up-to-date laws can be accessed here.


Litchfield Park


The use, discharge or ignition of fireworks, on any public property within the city is prohibited unless authorized by the city.

Permissible consumer fireworks may be used, discharged or ignited on private property only with the consent of the owner or other person in control of the private property. The consenting owner, consenting person in control and the user of the fireworks shall be responsible for any injuries or damages caused by such use.

No person who is under sixteen years of age may use, discharge, or ignite permissible consumer fireworks without direct supervision of a person who is eighteen years of age or over.
Permissible consumer fireworks are:

  • Ground and handheld sparkling devices
  • Cylindrical fountains
  • Cone fountains
  • Illuminating torches
  • Wheels
  • Ground spinners
  • Flitter sparklers
  • Toy smoke devices
  • Wire sparklers or dipped sticks
  • Multiple tube ground and handheld sparkling devices, cylindrical fountains, cone fountains and illuminating torches

These types of fireworks are not permissible consumer fireworks and cannot be used: fireworks that do not to rise into the air and explode or to detonate in the air or to fly above the ground, including firecrackers, bottle rockets, sky rockets, missile-type rockets, helicopters, aerial spinners, torpedoes, roman candles, mine devices, shell devices and aerial shell kits or reloadable tubes.

Sale of fireworks – Fireworks cannot be sold to a person under 16 years old.

Section 10-1-15

A. Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases when used in this section, have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

  1. "Consumer fireworks” means those fireworks defined by A.R.S. § 36-1601.
  2. “Display fireworks” means those fireworks defined by A.R.S. § 36-1601.
  3. “Fireworks” means any combustible or explosive composition, substance or combination of substances, or any article prepared for the purpose of producing a visible or audible effect by combustion, explosion, deflagration or detonation, that is a consumer firework, display firework or permissible consumer firework as defined by A.R.S. § 36-1101.
  4. “Novelty items” means federally deregulated novelty items that are known as snappers, snap caps, party poppers, glow worms, snakes, toy smoke devices, sparklers, and certain toys as defined in A.R.S. § 36-1601.
  5. “Permissible consumer fireworks” means those fireworks as defined by A.R.S. § 36-1601 that may be sold within Litchfield Park even where the use of those items is prohibited.
  6. “Supervised public display” means a monitored performance of display fireworks open to the public and authorized by permit by the city’s fire service provider.

B. Use of Fireworks.

  1. The use, discharge or ignition of fireworks, including permissible consumer fireworks, on any public property within the city is prohibited unless authorized by the city.
  2. Permissible consumer fireworks may be used, discharged or ignited on private property only with the consent of the owner or other person in control of the private property. The consenting owner, consenting person in control and the user of the fireworks shall be responsible for any injuries or damages caused by such use.
  3. No person who is under sixteen years of age may use, discharge, or ignite permissible consumer fireworks without direct supervision of a person who is eighteen years of age or over.
  4. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the use, discharge or ignition of novelty items or the occurrence of a supervised public display of fireworks.
  5. Permits may be granted by the city’s fire service provider for conducting a properly supervised public display of fireworks. Every such public display of fireworks shall be of such character and so located, discharged or fired, only after proper inspection and in a manner that does not endanger persons, animals, or property. A permit shall not be issued, and may be revoked, during time periods of high fire danger warnings. The city’s fire service provider has authority to impose conditions on any permits granted.

C. Sale of Fireworks.

  1. No person shall sell or permit or authorize the sale of permissible consumer fireworks to a person who is under sixteen years of age.
  2. No person shall sell or permit or authorize the sale of permissible consumer fireworks in conflict with state law.



Age 15 or younger: 10 P.M. to 5:00 A.M. everyday, including weekends; Age 16-17: Midnight to 5:00 A.M. everyday, including weekends.

Section 10-1-9 Curfew 

B.    Offenses.

1.    It is unlawful for any minor under the age of sixteen years to be in, about, or upon any place in the city away from the property where the youth resides between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. of the following day.

2.    It is unlawful for any minor sixteen years of age or older and under the age of eighteen years, to be in, about, or upon any place in the city away from the property where the child resides between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m.

3.    It is unlawful for a parent or guardian of a minor to knowingly permit, or by insufficient control, allow a minor to violate subsection (B)(1) or subsection (B)(2) as listed above.

4.    It is unlawful for a parent, guardian or other person having the care, custody or supervision of the minor to fail or refuse to take custody of the minor after such demand is made upon him by a law enforcement officer who arrests the minor for violation of subsection (B)(1) or (B)(2) as listed above.


Cell Phones and Driving

It is illegal to use your cell phone while driving if you are a teenager and received your license less than 6 months ago; unless it is an emergency or for turn-by-turn directions that have already been entered into the phone.

A.R.S 28-3174. Class G driver licenses; restrictions; civil penalties; motorcycles

F. Except as provided in subsection K of this section, for the first six months that a class G licensee holds the license, the licensee may not drive a motor vehicle while using a wireless communication device for any reason except either:

1. During an emergency in which stopping the motor vehicle is impossible or will create an additional emergency or safety hazard.

2. When using an audible turn-by-turn navigation system if both of the following apply:

(a) The destination is not manually entered into the wireless communication device while the licensee is driving the motor vehicle.

(b) The licensee does not manually adjust the wireless communication device while driving the motor vehicle.

Laws may have changed since the last time this article was updated.  The current and most up-to-date laws can be accessed here.




The use of fireworks, powder, or other explosives without a written permit from the city or the fire chief, is not allowed.

Section 10-1-6 Explosives

A. Use of explosives prohibited

It is unlawful for any person within the limits of the city to blast or use powder, fireworks or other explosives without a written permit from the city or the fire chief, and then only upon the terms and conditions set forth therein.

B. Violations and Penalties

  1. Any person who violates any provision of this section shall be guilty of a class one (1) misdemeanor, punishable as set forth in this code and state law.
  2. A complaint may be sworn and filed against any person in violation of this section by any police officer, the fire chief, or any other public official of the city who personally witnesses the violation.



Age 15 or younger: 10 P.M. to 5:00 A.M. everyday, including weekends; Age 16-17: Midnight to 5:00 A.M. everyday, including weekends.

Section 10-1-8 Curfew Hours for Minor

8 A. Offenses 1. It is unlawful for any minor under the age of sixteen years to be in, about or upon any place in the city away from the property where the youth resides between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. of the following day. 

2. It is unlawful for any minor sixteen years of age or older and under the age of eighteen years, to be in, about or upon any place in the city away from the property where the child resides between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m.

3. It is unlawful for a parent or guardian of a minor to knowingly permit, or by insufficient control, allow a minor to violate paragraphs 1 or 2 of this subsection.

4. It is unlawful for a parent, guardian or other person having the care, custody or supervision of the minor to fail or refuse to take custody of the minor after such demand is made upon him by a law enforcement officer who arrests the minor for violation of paragraphs 1 or 2 of this subsection.


Cell Phones and Driving

It is illegal to use your cell phone while driving if you are a teenager and received your license less than 6 months ago; unless it is an emergency or for turn-by-turn directions that have already been entered into the phone.

A.R.S 28-3174. Class G driver licenses; restrictions; civil penalties; motorcycles

F. Except as provided in subsection K of this section, for the first six months that a class G licensee holds the license, the licensee may not drive a motor vehicle while using a wireless communication device for any reason except either:

1. During an emergency in which stopping the motor vehicle is impossible or will create an additional emergency or safety hazard.

2. When using an audible turn-by-turn navigation system if both of the following apply:

(a) The destination is not manually entered into the wireless communication device while the licensee is driving the motor vehicle.

(b) The licensee does not manually adjust the wireless communication device while driving the motor vehicle.

Laws may have changed since the last time this article was updated.  The current and most up-to-date laws can be accessed here.


Paradise Valley


Fireworks cannot be set off except between June 24 through July 6 and December 24 through December 26. 

Even during those times, there are restriction about setting off fireworks.  Individuals cannot set off fireworks on any public property including Town parking lots, Town streets, schools and parks, and on any property within 500 yards of Mummy Mountain Preserve.

Fireworks that can be used within the restrictions are:

  • Ground and handheld sparkling devices
  • Cylindrical fountains
  • Cone fountains
  • Illuminating torches
  • Wheels
  • Ground spinners
  • Flitter sparklers
  • Toy smoke devices
  • Wire sparklers or dipped sticks
  • Multiple tube ground and handheld sparkling devices, cylindrical fountains, cone fountains and illuminating torches

These types of fireworks can never be used: Any firework intended to rise into the air and explode or to detonate in the air or to fly above the ground, including firecrackers, bottle rockets, sky rockets, missile-type rockets, helicopters, aerial spinners, torpedoes, roman candles, mine devices, shell devices and aerial shell kits or reloadable tubes.

Sale of fireworks – Fireworks cannot be sold to a person under 18 years old.

Section 13-3-1 Purpose 

The Town Council hereby recognizes that the desert environment of Arizona has unique fire risks and adopts this article law to enhance the public safety and welfare of its citizens and the community by regulating the use and sale of fireworks within the Town.

Section 13-3-2 Definitions 

A. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

  1. Display fireworks means those fireworks defined by Arizona Revised Statutes Section 36-1601.
  2. Fireworks means display fireworks, consumer fireworks and permissible consumer fireworks as defined by Arizona Revised Statute Section 36-1601.
  3. Novelty items means federally deregulated novelty items that are known as snappers, snap caps, party poppers, glow worms, snakes, toy smoke devices and sparklers as defined in Arizona Revised Statute 36-1601.
  4. Permissible consumer fireworks has the same meaning as Arizona Revised Statutes Section 36-1601.
  5. Supervised show means a monitored performance of display fireworks open to the public authorized by permit by the Town Fire Marshal or designee.

Sec 13-3-3 Fireworks prohibited; exceptions

A. The use of fireworks including permissible consumer fireworks within the Town is prohibited except for the limited use of permissible consumer fireworks during the time frame of June 24th through July 6th and December 24th through January 3rd.

B. The use of permissible consumer fireworks within the Town is prohibited on all publicly owned property which includes, but is not limited to, Town buildings, Town parking lots, public schools and Town streets, unless there is a supervised show of fireworks authorized by permit issued by the Fire Marshal or designee.

C. The use of permissible consumer fireworks within the Town is prohibited within 500 yards of the Mummy Mountain Preserve.

Section 13-3-4 Sale of Fireworks

A. No person shall sell or permit or authorize the sale of permissible consumer fireworks to a person who is under eighteen years of age.

B. No person shall sell or permit or authorize the sale of permissible consumer fireworks in conflict with state law.

C. No person shall sell, resell or manufacture consumer or display fireworks unless authorized by state law or town permit, or otherwise authorized by this article.

D. No person shall sell permissible consumer fireworks to the public except from May 20th through July 6th and December 10th through January 3rd.

E. Violations of this section shall be punishable as provided in Section 1-9-3 of the Town Code.


Age 15 or younger: 10 P.M. to 5:00 A.M. everyday, including weekends; Age 16-17: Midnight to 5:00 A.M. everyday, including weekends. 

Section 10-8-2 Offenses

  1. It is unlawful for any minor under the age of sixteen years to be in, about, or upon any place in the town away from the property where the youth resides between the hours of 10 P.M. and 5 A.M. of the following day.
  2. It is unlawful for any minor sixteen years of age or older and under the age of eighteen years, to be in, about, or upon any place in the town away from the property where the child resides between the hours of 12 A.M. and 5 A.M.
  3. It is unlawful for a parent or guardian of a minor to knowingly permit, or by insufficient control, allow a minor to violate Section 10-8-2-1 or Section 10-8-2-2 as listed above.
  4. It is unlawful for a parent, guardian or other person having the care, custody or supervision of the minor to fail or refuse to take custody of the minor after such demand is made upon him by a law enforcement officer who arrests the minor for violation of Section 10-8-2-1 or 10-8-2-2 as listed above.


Cell Phones and Driving

It is illegal to use your cell phone while driving if you are a teenager and received your license less than 6 months ago; unless it is an emergency or for turn-by-turn directions that have already been entered into the phone.

A.R.S 28-3174. Class G driver licenses; restrictions; civil penalties; motorcycles

F. Except as provided in subsection K of this section, for the first six months that a class G licensee holds the license, the licensee may not drive a motor vehicle while using a wireless communication device for any reason except either:

1. During an emergency in which stopping the motor vehicle is impossible or will create an additional emergency or safety hazard.

2. When using an audible turn-by-turn navigation system if both of the following apply:

(a) The destination is not manually entered into the wireless communication device while the licensee is driving the motor vehicle.

(b) The licensee does not manually adjust the wireless communication device while driving the motor vehicle.

Laws may have changed since the last time this article was updated.  The current and most up-to-date laws can be accessed here.