
Addressing Bullying Behaviors


This Academy is for educators who serve a middle and/or high school population. Educators from a School Safety Program Funded site have the ability to attend for free. 

Event Overview

According to the 2022 Arizona Youth Survey, about 40% of students reported seeing someone punched, kicked, choked, or beaten up during the school year. Students also reported being harassed online or through texts. This academy will cover topics that explore the consequences of relational aggression, stalking, and harassment through bullying behavior.

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Teaching the Law through Mock Trial


This Academy is for educators who serve an elementary school population. Educators from a School Safety Program Funded site have the ability to attend for free. 

Event Overview

This academy will provide educators that work with students in grades 3-5 a fun way to teach youth about the law and the consequences of breaking laws. Educators will be provided with lessons and a scripted mock trial that inform youth about vandalism and theft while at school. 

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Reducing Aggressive Behavior through Conflict Resolution


This Academy is for educators who serve a middle/high school population. Educators from a School Safety Program Funded site have the ability to attend for free. 

Event Overview

Unresolved conflicts, both in person and online, have the potential to escalate into more aggressive actions. Do your students have the skills to resolve conflicts peacefully and communicate their frustrations or anger with respectful, problem-solving approaches? This training will provide participants with interactive methods to educate youth on effective and safe communications on and offline that can discourage violence and build respectful relationships with others. 

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CSI Arizona: Forensic Science 101

11/13/2024 9:00 am - 11/14/2024 3:00 pm

This Academy is for educators who serve a middle and high school population. Educators from a School Safety Program Funded site have the ability to attend for free. 

Event Overview

This two-day academy will equip educators with the foundational skills needed to implement crime scene investigations (CSI) into their classrooms or after-school clubs. Attendees will explore strategies to teach how to effectively process crime scenes and analyze various types of evidence. Forensic science combines law and STEM, making CSI an excellent way to bring law into math and science classrooms. 

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Promoting Respectful and Responsible Behavior in Schools


This Academy is for educators who serve a middle and high school population. Educators from a School Safety Program Funded site have the ability to attend for free. 

Event Overview

Refusal to follow directions is a form of defiance. Arizona law 15-841 states that students may be expelled for continued defiance in the form of disruptive or disorderly behaviors that interfere with the educational environment. This academy will provide participants with lessons that will help students understand their role in creating a peaceful environment.

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Marijuana and Hallucinogens Awareness


This Academy is for educators who serve a middle and high school population. Educators from a School Safety Program Funded site have the ability to attend for free. 

Event Overview

With recreational marijuana use being legal in Arizona after the age of 21, students may be receiving mixed messages about the impact marijuana use may have on their development. This academy will educate students on the effect drug use can have on the development of their plans for the future. 

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Truancy: Understanding and Overcoming Barriers


This Academy is for educators who serve a middle and/or high school population. Educators from a School Safety Program Funded site have the ability to attend for free. 

Event Overview

The 2022 Arizona Youth Survey concluded that 62% of students have a low school commitment. This academy is geared towards increasing student connection to school life. Participants will learn interactive ways to educate students on the risks and consequences of truancy.

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Helping Youth Foster Healthy Relationships


This Academy is for educators who serve a middle/high school population. Educators from a School Safety Program Funded site have the ability to attend for free. 

Event Overview

Youth encounter both healthy and unhealthy relationships during their school career. This could be with a romantic partner, friends, and authority figures. Some students are not able to identify unhealthy relationships and how they are impacted by them.

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Overcoming Truancy in Elementary School


This Academy is for educators who serve an elementary school population. Educators from a School Safety Program Funded site have the ability to attend for free. 

Event Overview

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics truancy starts at a young age. 10% of students in kindergarten and first grade missed a month or more of their school year.[1] This academy will cover engagement strategies to motivate students to attend school.

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Social Media and Campus Issues


This Academy is for educators who serve a middle and high school population. Educators from a School Safety Program Funded site have the ability to attend for free. 

Event Overview

This academy will provide educators with lessons and a scripted trial that will enable the middle and high school students to interactively learn about the judicial system and how social media can impact their school and professional careers.

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Safe Driving


This Academy is for educators who serve a high school population. Educators from a School Safety Program Funded site have the ability to attend for free. 

Event Overview

Obtaining a driver’s license is an exciting rite of passage for most teens. During this academy, participants will learn interactive ways to educate students on responsible driving.

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From Risk to Resilience: Preventing Gang Involvement


This Academy is for educators who serve a middle and high school population. Educators from a School Safety Program Funded site have the ability to attend for free. 

Event Overview

Drug sales and distribution, presence of firearms, assault and vandalism are among the highest reported crimes in connection to street gangs in Arizona according to the 2022 Az Gang Assessment Report. During this training, participants will explore strategies for preventing gang activity in schools. 

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