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Don Cederdahl

Wilson Elementary School

Phoenix, AZ

Don Cederdahl, a school resource officer funded by the Arizona Department of Education’s School Safety Program at Wilson Elementary School is selected as a “2022 Law Related Education Officer of the Year”! Officer Cederdahl is a dedicated school resource officer that has built relationships within his community by making home visits with students needing extra resources at home. He has led the Wake-Up Club that promotes volunteering and community pride for the eighth-grade students. As an instructor, he provides data-driven law related education utilizing best practices for effective implementation and skill building. When new trends appear on his campus, he adjusts his law related education curriculum to meet the needs of his students with relevant student-centered, interactive instruction. It was said of him, that he is often found “teaching students about law related education and empowering them with the knowledge of our democratic society.” When an increase in students threatening other students, Officer Cederdahl added law related education lessons that address the topic of aggression and school violence. The data reflected a drop in incidents after the lessons were implemented. He is considered a role model in his school community and known for his approachable and friendly interactions with students, staff, and parents.