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Miscellaneous Information

Position: Teacher

Abby Dupke has taught A.P. U.S. Government and Politics as well as other A.P. subjects for the Chandler Unified School District for 2 decades. She has also served as an instructional coach and curriculum leader. Early in her career Abby received a Milken Family Foundation National Educator award as well subsequent recognition as a top civic educator in Arizona. In 2002, Abby’s “We the People…the Citizen and the Constitution” civics class won the national championship sponsored by the Center for Civic Education. She has served as an inaugural curriculum developer for former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor’s iCivics project and on the San Francisco Federal Reserve’s Educator Advisory Board. More recently, she worked as part of the core team to develop Arizona’s state standards in civics and economics and is the current chair of the College Board's Advanced Placement Development Committee for A.P. U.S. Government and Politics. In her spare time, she tries to educate her dogs in the fine art of sit and stay, and enjoys traveling, hiking, reading, and hanging out with her family.