Eric Alvarez

Eric Alvarez

Glenn L. Downs Elementary School

Phoenix, AZ

Eric Alvarez is an 8th Grade Social Studies teacher at Glenn L. Downs Elementary School. He recently participated in the James Madison Legacy Project and now teaches the We the People curriculum in his social studies classes. Eric is very dedicated to his students and has shown that by attending professional development trainings to strengthen his knowledge of the We the People curriculum. He is a leader in having his school take part in the 2018 Kids Voting AZ Election and two of his students participated in the first ever Arizona Kids Voting Leadership Council. Eric is very involved on campus and in his community and also teaches High School Algebra.

In addition to the We the People Congressional Hearings, his classes participate in the Arizona State University Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law annual CourtWorks program at the Federal Courthouse. This program enables his students to learn about the justice system and participate in Mock Trials. His students also participate in the Arizona Stock Market Game. This past summer, Eric was a National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Scholar in NYC. Eric is also very active in extracurricular activities. He is the boys’ soccer and basketball coach, MESA (math, engineering, science and achievement) advisor, 8th grade chair, and College and Career Readiness Coordinator for his school. Eric’s passion for teaching and inspiring his students can be seen in all that he does!