Jason Scherr

Jason Scherr

Vista Grande High School

Casa Grande, AZ

Jason Scherr is a high school teacher at Vista Grande High School in Casa Grande, AZ. He currently teaches We the People (WTP), AP United States History, American History, economics, and world history. Jason attended the We the People Summer Institute in the summer of 2018 and during his first year of teaching the We the People curriculum, he brought two teams to the 2018-2019 AZ WTP Regional Competition. He gained the support of his administration and a local law firm that assisted them in preparing for the regional competition. By reaching out to community members, he showed his students the importance of community partnership and teamwork. Jason’s continuing commitment to attending professional development trainings sets him apart as this enables him to learn new ideas and teaching strategies for his classroom.

Additionally, he also served as a volunteer judge at the 2018-2019 AZ State WTP Competition. This opportunity enabled him to further strengthen his WTP skills. Jason has been implementing iCivics lessons and games in his classes so that his students can be engaged in civic learning. His ability to integrate civic concepts and ideals into his daily teaching provides his students with the skills they need to be civic minded individuals when they graduate. On top of all this, he was the Student Council Sponsor for the Class of 2016 and dedicated time to this endeavor for 4 years from 2013-2016. An outstanding educator, Jason is very enthusiastic about social studies and civic education and this is demonstrated by the many activities he is involved in with his students.