Rick Zamorano

Sierra Middle School

Tucson, AZ

Rick Zamorano is a dedicated and hard-working teacher who has a wonderful passion for civic education and social studies. Rick’s enthusiasm for the We the People program is contagious, as you can see in his students when they present their knowledge at the yearly state showcase. The judges who have the pleasure of hearing his students at the showcase always say how amazed they are by how much his students are prepared to not only present the facts but to also engage in discussions that show the depth of what Rick has taught them. Recently, Rick attended a Mock Trial professional development training because he is interested in implementing Mock Trial at his school. His ability to develop a passion for learning among his students is amazing. We at the Foundation can’t wait to have him join our Mock Trial family, as we know he will instill in the team a desire to know and understand the law, be strong critical thinkers, and be able to understand both sides of the courtroom.