Ashley Farrell-Pomeroy

Ashley Farrell-Pomeroy

Country Place Leadership Academy

Tolleson, AZ

Ashley Farrell-Pomeroy is a 6th grade English language arts and social studies teacher at Country Place Leadership Academy. She has been a teacher at this school for 5 years, is the grade level lead, and is the lead of the Staff Learning Action Team. During the 2020-2021 school year, Ashley and her students started a Civics Club together at their school which epitomizes their enthusiasm for voting and increasing youth awareness about voting. Ashley is a Kids Voting Leadership Council student advisor and maintains a strong dedication to promoting Kids Voting with her students and school. Her school participated in the 2020 Kids Voting AZ General Election through various voting related activities and she was determined to have an many students as possible participate through remote learning.

Ashley also implements Project Citizen in the classroom through which her students learn about public policy and become leaders by creating action plans. She participated in the iCivics AZ Regional E-Tournament with her students which is a virtual team-based competition where students compete by playing games. Ashley’s implementation of law related education programs both in the classroom and via remote learning is outstanding and she strives to involve her students in many new civics related opportunities. She brings joy, guidance, support, and encouragement to those she interacts with including her students, colleagues, and family. Ashley is in her tenth year of teaching in the Arizona public school system and is also enrolled in the Social and Cultural Pedagogy Master's Program at Arizona State University. During the last 7 years, she has worked at leadership schools in which she has taught and implemented the Leader in Me program with students and staff. Ashley is a true leader and mentor for her school community!