Miscellaneous Information

Miscellaneous Information

Position: School Resource Officer

Payson High School

Keven Rush has been an officer with the Payson Police Department since 2016 and 2022 marks the completion of his second year as Payson High School’s resource officer. Officer Rush is very fortunate to be involved in many other community-based law enforcement programs. He is currently involved in the establishment, and maintenance of Payson’s Neighborhood Watch Program, overseeing PPD’s volunteer program, serving as PPD’s Community Engagement Officer, and participating in numerous local community events on behalf of the police department. Of all the responsibilities Officer Rush enjoys, none can compete with the enjoyment and fulfillment he receives from serving as the school’s resource officer. He considers it a privilege to serve and protect the youth of Payson and values the opportunity to consistently engage in teaching and mentoring high school students. He understands the key role he plays in teaching the community's youth both how to make good decisions and the importance of living a life of integrity and strong character.

When school is not in session, in addition to returning to patrol duties, Officer Rush serves as an educator for DARE America, training new DARE officers around the country. He serves as the Arizona State Coordinator for DARE and continues to pursue opportunities to serve the Payson community through his position as a law enforcement officer. Despite his additional roles within the Payson Police Department, Officer Rush always looks forward to August when school resumes, and he can again play a focal role in guiding and mentoring Payson’s youth, not only toward academic success, but toward the higher goal of becoming mature men and women, living life with integrity, and becoming positive, law-abiding members of the community.